Stakevci 3
33 (e) jà sɤm oddòlu tùka
I’m down here!
35 (c) dobrè jàla pìj ednà rakìja
OK, come [over] to drink [a glass] of rakiya.
37 (e) à
39 (e) jà če bègam
I’m leaving.
41 (c) tì si si vèče zaredìl za tùj rekìju
You’re in line for rakiya, you know.
43 (e) à
45 (c) zaredìl si za tùj rekìju
You’re in line for rakiya.
52 (c) nè be òn jà če mu donesèm stòl ot tàm
Hey no, I’ll bring him a chair from over there.
54 (c) sèdi od vɤ̀nka če mu donesèm stòl
Sit [there], I’ll bring him a chair from outside.
56 (c) zapov’àdaj sednì
Please, have a seat.
58 (e) a bàš na tvòjto mèsto
Right [here], in your place?
59 (c) bàš na mòjto
Right [here] in mine.
62 (c) kòj ga zè tùka stòlɤt
Who took the chair [that was] here?
Stakevci 4
18 (f) jà mìšo čùjem če dùmu svin’ète i jedù
Hey Misho, I hear they say the [wild] pigs are eating them.
19 (g) a be ìma nèšto
Well, yes, there’s something [of that sort] ...
20 (f) ìma nèšto
There is something [happening].
21 (g) za tòj se pomrèa
... [and] that may be why they died.
22 (f) nìgde zmià nèma kakvì trevol’àci
No snakes anywhere, [and] such enormous grass …
24 (h) smo gazìli
… [that] we waded through.
25 (g) jà trì pùt idò za ràci
I went out three times to catch crayfish …
26 (h) i jà ne sɤ̀m vidèl
And I didn’t see any
27 (g) s plàmen [unintelligible] ubìmo sèdem.osemnàes
… and together with Plamen [unintelligible] we killed seventeen or eighteen [of them].
28 (f) kudè si bìl
Where were you?
29 (g) pa dvà pùt idòmo u brazè ubìmo sèdam li òsam li
Well, we went to Braze twice, and killed seven, or was it eight,
30 (g) pòsle [unintelligible]
And after that [unintelligible] –
31 (f) tòj lèto
This summer?
32 (g) tòj tùj uz golèmutu rèku
[Yes,] up there by the big river.
33 (f) bòže i mì ne smò
Goodness, and we didn’t –
34 (g) kolkò izbìmo kràj nèma
There’s no end to how many we killed.
35 (f) smo vidèli
[we] didn’t see [any].
36 (g) e tekà podi podi kàmenɤ otdòle kvò bɤ̀rkam
So just as I was groping under the stone down there –
Stikŭl 1
124 (a) əm žə gi prìpusk’ə ədnɔ̀š ut təkò nòču dušlᶤì sə
but I’ll let it go this time, because of that. Nocho! They came
125 (a) də mə pᶤìtət kəkvò i bəlò drùguš kəkvò i stànəlu əzgà
to ask me what it was like in the old days, and what it’s come to now.
126 (b) še im kàzvaš be
So you’ll tell them then!
127 (a) i jɛ̀ hmə kàzvəm jɛ̀ hmə kàzvəm vìkem
I’m telling them, I’m telling them, I say
128 (a) kəkvò be sìn drùguš kəkvò e zgà
how it was in the old days and how it is now.
Stikŭl 4
7 (a) enəkvò žə dò̝jde zə mèn ezgà
And that’s what’s coming for me now
8 (b) tuvà nìkuj ne znàje
Nobody knows that.
11 (a) ezgà nòč’e nɛ̀kvu štɛ̀lu də ìmə pàk pu zəm’ɔ̀sə
Now Noche, weren’t they about to do something about the land once again?
12 (b) əm kvòtu ìma ìmaš li n’àkvi dokumènti
Well, whatever there is. Do you have any sort of documentation?
13 (a) à
14 (b) ìmaš li dokumènti
Do you have any documents?
15 (a) əm tò žə zbərèm že sə zbìrət òtə nəlì tè hi
Well, we’ll get [them]. They’ll be collected. Because haven’t they –
24 (a) pàri də plàtəmə ut sigà pərì vìkət nòčo bəjɛ̀ žə i skɔ̀pu
To pay money henceforth. Money, they say. Nocho, it’ll be very expensive
25 (a) že i skɔ̀pu nòčo vìkət pètstòtɤn l’èvə nə dèkər
It’ll be expensive, Nocho. They’re saying a five hundred levs for a tenth of a hectare,
26 (a) èj čùvəš li tì zìməš senòtu də də gu hràniš
do you hear [that]? You take the hay and – and feed [the animal].
27 (b) jà že gu plàt’ə
I’ll pay it.
28 (a) tì že gu plàtəš [laughter]
You’ll pay it?! [laughter]
Sveta Petka 1
123 (a) tòj za tavàka
He’s [asking] about –
124 (c) nabɤ̀rdilàta e tavà
That’s the battens.
125 (b) vìe kàe tòj te pìta za vɤ̀tre kàk e s nìš’elkite
You’re saying [something else]; he’s asking you what’s inside, about the heddle.
126 (c) e dà vìka vɤ̀tre šo ìmə f nəbɤ̀rdilàta
Yes, he says, “What’s inside, in the battens?”
129 (d) tì go popìta mi gr’èben
You asked him. [It’s] the comb.
Sveta Petka 2
83 (d) e dà de ìde
Well, let her go …
85 (d) da i vìdi tàa zenà
… let this woman [go] and see it.
89 (d) è ìdi i kàž’i vàso ìdi i kàž’i dà vìdi
Hey, go and show her, Vasa. Go show her, let her see it.
90 (g) òt’ da i pukàža
Why should I show her?
91 (d) ìdi be
Go on!
92 (a) ne sè smɛ̀eš ìdi i kàž’i
Don’t laugh, go and show her!
93 (d) štò s smɛ̀eš’ ìdi
What are you laughing for? Go on!
99 (a) dàj da vìde kәkvì sә
Let them see what they’re like.
19 (b) vìš tò te zəpìsvə mumčèncetu [laughter]
Look, the boy is recording you! [laughter]
20 (a) [laughter] əhə [laughter] də si zəpìši̥
[laughter] Uh huh [laughter] [He wants] to make a recording –
21 (b) [laughter] də vìd’ət kvì ràbuti im sə
[laughter] [– for them] to see what sorts of things …
24 (b) pu bəlkànə kvò e vid’àl à
… what he’s seen in the mountains [around here], right?
185 (b) àz b’àx nəsəbràlə əmə ni sɤ̀m pràilə ut n’ègu
I had gathered [some once] but I never made [cheese] with it.
186 (a) amì ni mì xər’èsvə
Well, I don’t like it.
187 (b) pràvila si
Have you made it [that way]?
188 (a) n’è ni sɤ̀m pràilə əmə ni mì xər’èsvə
No, I haven’t made it [that way], but I don’t like it.
189 (b) ni sɤ̀m pràilə às ə
I haven’t made it [either].
Vladimirovo 1
86 (b) jà kažì kogà
Tell about when …
88 (b) nèkoj se ubìe nèšto kogà nèšto se slùči sɤs nèkogo
… someone hurts themselves, when something happens to someone,
89 (b) kàk si fàštate svetèc i kvò pràvite za ček
how you grab a saint, and what you do to –
92 (c) dèn dèn dèn
The day! The day! The day!
93 (b) fàštene na dèn raskažì
[Yes,] tell about the grabbing of the day.
98 (b) ne sì li faštàla dèn na
Didn’t you grab the day for…
100 (b) pèpi elì na càni
… Pepi, or for Tsani?
Vladimirovo 2
64 (a) go gòtvime si mesòto si gòtvime na gòzba sɤs
We do cooking. We cook meat, we cook [other] dishes with –
65 (b) nè nè tovà za drùgite dnì a kogà kòl’ate prasèto
No, no, that’s for other days. When you slaughter a pig,
66 (b) izbèrɤd dobrò mescè upṛ̀žɤt elì opekɤ̀t
you choose the good parts, you fry them or roast them …
67 (a) e takà de dà
Well yes, and –
68 (b) sɤs kìselo zèle ili turšìjka nàj naprède
… with sauerkraut, or pickles [as the] first course ...
69 (a) takà
70 (b) da pìjɤt rakìjata i slet tovà ìdva mesòto
... when people drink rakia, and after that comes the meat,
71 (b) a na tòo na kol’àča oddèliš ut mesòto
and you put some parts of the meat aside [to give] to the butcher –
Vŭglarovo 1
43 (a) ùbəvu səm gu izm’èsilə mlada bulka
I kneaded it up really good, young bride [that I was].
44 (b) də sə prujavì
… to give evidence [of her ability] …
45 (a) izm’èsilə səm gu ùbəvu l’àbə
I kneaded that bread really well.
Vŭglarovo 2
109 (d) əm zəpɨ̀svə jà vìj ni zə rəzbràhte li
Well, he’s recording. I – you all – Didn’t you understand?
111 (a) jà gl’èdəm tvà sə vərtɨ̀ [laughter]
I see it, this thing is going around. [laughter]
120 (d) pək jà jà rəzbràh č’ə zəpɨ̀svə èjke
But I knew all along that it was recording …
122 (d) i si mɤ̀l’čə
… and fell silent.
127 (a) nìj rəspràjəme kò sme pr’əkàrəli ənnò vr’è̝me tvà e
We’re talking about how we used to do things in the old days, that’s all.
128 (c) enò vr’è̝me
[About] the old days.
136 (d) nəlì pòjd’am si
I’m leaving now, O.K.?
Vŭrbovo 2
27 (b) kvò stanà kvì sa rabotìle
What happened [with that riddle]? Who was it that was working?
28 (a) ò znàe gim dùpe kòj kvì su nèma se sètu
Oh, they haven’t got a clue who it was. They won’t figure it out
29 (a) nì na ònija svèt
even [when they go] to the other world!
30 (b) sled màlko če jà
In a bit I’ll [come down].
Vŭrbovo 3
1 (c) da vi kazùjem òn men čèsto tìk’e me zastùpi
Let me tell you, he often surprises me and insists on talking to me.