Bangejci 1
85 (a) nìj òd'exm'e s'è də kupàim də žènim kət pus'èjəd žitàta i tɤ̀j
we’d go out to do all the digging, and to reap when they planted wheat, and so on.
Belica 1
24 (a) i zimɤ̀ska ìda tàm a lètoska si dòda ta žɤ̀na
I’d go there in the winter, and in the summer I’d come [home] and reap
25 (a) ta òra ta sɤm odìla u calapìško pòle čèteri godìni
and plow. And I went to Tsalapishko field for four years,
26 (a) po dvàese dèna segà za petròvden si dòdem
twenty days [each year], and now, for St. Peter’s day, we come
27 (a) ot ə calapìško pòle ta žɤ̀nem pa nàše tù̥kə̥
from Tsalapishko field and we reap at our [field].
48 (a) sèki si e fanàl čorbadžìata i dòde li mu
Each one found his landowner, and when he goes over to him,
49 (a) tòj si go vìka da vrɤvì da mu žɤ̀ne
he calls them to move out and reap for him.
54 (a) i tò takà trepère žègata kato glèdaš ama nìe žɤ̀nem
And the heat is such that it shimmers when you look [out]. But we reap
55 (a) ednò kàk žɤnà takà padnà i
and one [girl] was reaping and fell down
93 (a) da si bɤ̀brem i žɤ̀neme s sɤ̀bo stojànof ud durlìite
... to talk [about it]. So we were reaping with Sŭbo Stoyanov from Durliite,
96 (a) ama segà e počìnal i tòj tòj žɤ̀ne i jà žɤ̀na
but he’s dead now. So he – he’s reaping and I’m reaping,
97 (a) a tàa gospodìna e takà kato tàa drugàrka miždu nàs
and this Gospodina is between us, just like this comrade.
98 (a) ama odrèže pa drème pa tùka
She cut [one stalk] but she was drowsing, and [fell] here …
100 (a) ne mòže da žɤ̀ne
so she couldn’t reap.
102 (a) i kato ne mòže a žɤ̀ne nìe a potkarvà:me sɤs sɤ̀bo
And since she can’t reap, Sŭbo and I were pushing her [awake],
103 (a) tòj ottùk jà ottùk i ednò plàdne
he from here, I from here. And one afternoon
Belica 2
1 (MM) čàkaj segà da vìdime tùka a žètvata tùka kàk ja pràvexte
Wait a minute. Let’s see about the harvesting. How did you do that?
2 (a) emi žɤ̀tvata si a žɤ̀nem vṛ̀zvame si kàrame si vṛšèeme si
Well, the harvest. We reap, we bundle [it up], we take and thresh
3 (a) sɤsᵊ konè s volòve kòj sɤs štò ìma
with horses, with oxen, with whatever there is.
4 (MM) jà da mi kàžeš kato pòčnete od žɤ̀tvata
So tell [it] to me, beginning from the harvest
5 (MM) do kato go zakàraš na vodenìcata kàk se rabòteše
all up until the point when you take it off to the mill. How was that done?
6 (a) emi tè takà ožɤ̀nem gu dodè ìma žɤ̀tva žɤ̀nem
Well, we reap. So long as there’s harvest [going on], we reap.
13 (MM) vìe ednì žènete a drùgi kakvò pràv'at
Some of you do the reaping, and what do the others do?
14 (a) emi sìčkite žɤ̀nem dodè e žɤ̀tva
Well, all of us reap until the harvest is [brought home] ...
102 (a) sɤs volòve i se žɤ̀ne fsìčko zàedno
with oxen. And then it’s all reaped together.
Bosnek 1
21 (a) siromašìja kòlko si sàkaš na vrèmeto kakvò bèše kogà se žn’èše
all the poverty you could want back then. When they reaped,
22 (a) i nèmaše kon’è nèmaše tàja ə tìja takòva fàbriki da se rabòta
there weren’t horses, there weren’t any of these factories to process things.
Breste 2
27 (a) stàvame ta pòčvame da žɤ̀nem ràno
and we get up and start to reap. Early.
35 (a) ne ležìme pènke žɤ̀neme si po sl̀nceto štòto
We don’t lie down, Penka, we reap in the sun [too] because –
52 (GK) i kato ožɤ̀nete kakvò go pràite
And when you reap, what do you do?
53 (a) koto ožɤ̀neme pòčvame da kàrame snòpeto̥
When we finish reaping, we begin to bring in the sheaves.
Breste 3
31 (a) a nìe nə òdene òjde:me i na òbet edè:me koto žɤ̀neme nèkoj
And we would go at noon to eat [outdoors], as in the old days when we reaped.
Brŭšljan 1
35 (a) d'ètu mu vìkəme nìe pu.nàš'emu urèd də kàž'em ž'ènət
as we say in our [speech]. For example they plow, they reap,
36 (a) vòzet snòpetu nə vərš'àč'kətə gu vərš'àhə e
they transport sheaves, they thresh them at the threshing machine,
Brŭšljan 3
14 (c) pu edìn m'ɛ̀sec dvà i št'à dòjdeme tùkə də pòčnem ž'ètvə
for a month or two. [Then] we’d come back here to begin the harvest,
15 (c) št'à ž'èneme tìjə dnì kətu už'èneme š'e gu vərš'èm
and we’d reap. [And on] those days when we finish reaping, we’ll thresh it.
Čokmanovo 2
14 (b) ž'ɔ̀nehme gu sìč'ku səs sɔ̀rpuve ələ be jɛ̀ce trùdnu
We reaped all of it with sickles, it was really hard [work].
Dolna Sekirna 3
48 (a) trèbe da se žn’è da se vṛšè da se kòpa
We have to reap, to thresh, to hoe.
Eremija 1
145 (a) segà vìka kombàjnite zemàa da žnàt
But now, she said, the harvesters just started to reap
146 (a) carevičìnkite bes bes kakalàški
[only] the stalks, without- without the corncobs.
Eremija 6
1 (GK) i slèt kato ožnète kvò pràite žnète i sə səbìrate
After you do the reaping, what do you do? You reap, you gather –
2 (c) nè nè pa
No, no. Then ...
3 (d) žɤ̀nem
We reap.
4 (c) zbèrat go na snòpje
… they gather it up into sheaves.
5 (d) žɤ̀neme vṛšème
We reap, and we thresh.
Gela 2
6 (a) na garbɔ̀n s l'ùlka da ìdež da žɔ̀neš
on your back in a cradle in order to go out to reap.
7 (a) zɔ̀meš sarpɔ̀ da sa navìdaš da žɔ̀neš slɔ̀ncetu nažìža
You take up a sickle, you bend down to reap, the sun is sizzling
8 (a) ama že žɔ̀neš si nèma kàk trɛ̀bva da pudberèš
but you reap. No [other] way, you have to get started.
Gigen 1
9 (a) orà kopàče̝ žetvàre̝ tɤkàče̝ da predèš da šìe̝š tuvà a
I did plowing, [we worked as] diggers, harvesters, weavers – you spin, you sew - like that.
10 (a) kupà:me žɤ̀ne:me kòse:me sɤbìra:me sɛ̀no zə stòkә̥tә̥
We went out digging, harvesting, mowing, we gathered hay – for the animals.
12 (b) sùtrin sutrìn utìəme nə ràbutə du̥dè e vrɛ̀me utìvəme
In the morning – in the morning we go out to work. We go at a time
13 (b) pu lɤdɤvìna da žɤ̀nem də žɤ̀nem durdè sə nəpečè žìtoto
[so as] to do reaping when it’s cool – to reap up till the grain gets [too] hot.
15 (b) da go izvɤ̀ržem da go sɤbère̝m na petìne̝ pòsle na krəscì
we [go to] tie it off, and gather it into groups of five sheaves, and then into cruciforms
16 (b) i ostàvə də sə prekàrva pòsle za kupnìte̝
and then it remains to transport it afterwards to [where] the bundles are.
Glavanovci 1
35 (a) ednì n’ìvi gi nèma kɤdè gi jà znàm kɤdè sɤm žèla
some fields that I know I used to reap in aren’t there any more.
36 (a) àko sɤm bilà màlečka sɤm išlà da ra da pomògnem na màmu
never mind that I was little, I went out to help Mom,
40 (a) pa žn’e pa žn’èmo pa žn’èmo àko smo bilì desed gòdin
So we reaped and reaped, we were ten years old
42 (a) dva trinàez gòdin pa žn’èmo onì ni se ràdvat dèka
[Yes,] twelve or thirteen years old. And we reaped, they were happy with us,
50 (VZh) kato se žn’e kàk se rèdɤt tìja kɤdè a
How do people line themselves up when they reap?
51 (a) rukòl’k’ete le rukòl’k’ete li žetvàrkete
By handfuls, handfuls, the reaping maidens.
52 (VZh) a žetvàrkete kàk sa
How are reaping maidens [arranged]?
53 (a) e pa na stàrši
Well, the oldest.
54 (VZh) ìma li nèkoja kojà e nàj naprèt
Is there someone who’s up at the head?
55 (a) po sta po staršinà tekà go ako pò ne žn’è onà sàmo prožìn’a
The one with seniority. She doesn’t reap much, just marks out the reaping area
56 (a) nalì u stopànstvoto nèmaše kombàjni pṛ̀vete godìne
There were no harvesters in the first years of the collective farms, you know,
57 (a) žn’èmo žèmo nàruku i onà si sàmo prožìn’a po
we reaped and reaped by hand, and she just directs the reaping on –
58 (a) tovà se kàzva pòstat kɤdè sme
that’s called the reaping track, [the place] where we were.
59 (VZh) pòstat li kɤdè trèbe edìn da go tekvòj
Reaping track, where one needs to –
60 (b) kato se narèdat
Where everyone lines up.
61 (a) kɤdè sme tŗgnàli da žɤ̀neme na na rèdɤt kato sme se naredìli
The way we were lined up when we set out to reap in a row.
62 (a) tovà vìkame da iskàrame tàa pòstat i če počìvame
We say, we’ll get through this reaping track and then we’ll rest.
63 (a) tàa si sàmo prožìn’a do kɤdè e da ne gà iskrìvi
She just keeps track enough so the line doesn't get crooked.
66 (a) [laughter] a nìe osòbeno kràjnite kɤdè sa vṛtìš i se umòriš
/laughter/And those of us at the ends [of the line] turn around a lot and get tired.
67 (a) ma ot štò se umorìste a be vìkam stojàmo ta se umorìmo
“What tired you [all] out?” [she said]. “Well,” I say, “we stood here and got tired.
68 (a) tì vìkam sàmo prožìn’aš naprèd ama nìe vṛtìmo
You”, I say, “only mark out the track in front, but we [have to] turn
69 (a) ot sredùtu na kràjɤt nàj vèče ama sɤl da rabòtiš žn’eš
from the middle to the end the most. But one must only work and reap.
70 (a) tùramo rukòl’k’e po nàs ako nèma mùžje da onì otìdu na kosìdbu
We put handfuls behind us if there aren’t men to [help]; they go off to mow.
125 (a) mòže edin da izlèzne ta edvà ga žn’èš ùbavo
You can get one [plant], so you can hardly reap it properly.
126 (a) a ednò tṛ̀glo ta dvàes sàntima i svè skubèmo ako ne mòže
If it stops at twenty centimeters we need to pluck it if you can’t –
127 (a) da ne mòže go òžn’eš onò sàku i slàma da ìma nàšite
if you can’t reap it. Our people want to have straw as well.
Godeševo 1
14 (a) pu làdnu še ž'òneš dukəd'è̝ sə nəpečè̝ slòncetu
When it’s cool. You’ll reap until the sun gets very hot,
15 (a) i sl'ət tvà l'àgəš put s'ànkətə še pučɤ̀jvəš
and after that you’ll lie down in the shade and rest.
16 (a) i ə zəmòrknuvà li se pà slòncetu də sə nəved'è̝
And when it gets dark, when the sun [starts] to set,
17 (a) pà stàvət žətvàrite pòčvəd də žònət žònət žònət žònət
the reapers get up again. They start to reap. They reap and reap and reap
18 (a) dukətò se umur'òt i si l'àgət nə nɤ̀jvətə l'àgət nə nɤ̀jvətə
until they tire, and they lie down [to sleep] in the field. They lie in the field,
Golica 3
13 (a) i žènew i i tɛ̀j žèneše i sìčko
and I used to reap – like this – and she used to reap, and everything.
Gorna Krušica 2
21 (c) ìzvadàm go pa màjka mi i baštà mi žnìjat oràt tàm
take it out, and – my mother and father are reaping and plowing [out] there –
Gorno Vŭršilo 1
11 (a) tràktore im oràt kombàjni i žànat kakvà màka
Tractors do the plowing for them, harvesters do the reaping for them, what trouble is that?
28 (a) ta žàna f tèkezèto̥ tè rečàt bàbo ràjno gà go pèče
and reap in the collective farm. And they say “Granny Rayna, when did you bake it?”
Gorno Vŭršilo 2
12 (b) žànem žɤ̀tva žànem na ràka sas sṛ̀p
we reap – we harvest reaping by hand, with a sickle.
Huhla 1
81 (a) də ž'ènem də ìd də kòpə càl' d'èn' ni mògə
to reap and dig all day, I can’t do that now.
Hvojna 2
22 (a) jèdru i pòsle sə žʌ̀ne žʌ̀ne sə kəm jùli v’èč’e pu sr’edʌ̀tə
strong. And then it’s reaped. It gets reaped in July, around the middle [of July].
23 (a) tugàvə sə žʌ̀ne užʌ̀və sə i nə snòpi sə zəvʌ̀rzvə
It gets reaped then. You reap it, and tie it off in sheaves.
Izgrev/Var 1
2 (a) hòdihme nə nìvə tàm ž'e ə ž'ènim nə nìvətə spìm
We went to the field; there we re- we reap, and we sleep in the field.
Izgrev/Var 2
10 (b) ilì pək də ž'ɛ̀nim nàči i s òbed dòdi ni sèdnem
or else we reap, and when noontime comes we sit down,
Kolju Marinovo 1
7 (a) kəto rəbòtim nàči nəlì s kulà s vulòvi ur’èmi zem’ɤ̀tə
… when we work, it’s with oxcarts, you know, we plow the earth,
8 (a) sèjəmi pribìrəmi ž vəršèm žènim vəršèm i àjde nə vudenìcə̥ta [laughter]
we sow, gather, thresh, [then] we reap and thresh, then it’s off to the mill [laughter]
Kolju Marinovo 2
3 (VZh) səs kakvò žɤ̀nehte tvà dèto žɤ̀nete s nègo
What did you reap with? That thing that you use to reap with,
4 (VZh) kàk go vìkəte
what do you call it?
9 (c) səs srɤ̀p i pəlamàrkə žə tùriš nə tàjə rɤ̀ka
[You reap] with a sickle, and you put a swaphook on this hand.