Čokmanovo 2

1 (b) [0:02]      When it would rain a bit, we’d go out up there and look for mushrooms.

when rel rain 3sg impf P rain sg m little adv nom 1pl go.out 1pl impf I up adv
find 1pl impf I mushroom pl f

2 (b) [0:07]      We’d eat them, we’d fry them. We called them “surneli” (parasol mushrooms).

eat 1pl impf I
acc 3pl clt
fry 1pl impf I
acc 3pl clt
call 1pl impf I
acc 3pl clt
parasol.mushroom pl f

3 (VZh)       [Were there other mushrooms?]

4 (b) [0:13]      There are other mushrooms which people ate. We called them “blood redcaps”.

pres exist
other pl adj mushroom pl f which pl rel med
acc refl clt
eat 3pl impf I nom 1pl
acc 3pl clt
say 1pl impf I blood.redcap pl f

5 (b) [0:19]      They come up in November or December, when the ground is well watered

nom 3pl come.out 3pl pres I in
November sg m December sg m when rel
acc refl clt
water 3sg pres P nicely adv earth sg f def dist

6 (b) [0:24]      so it gets moist. They come up then, in the month of December.

become 3sg pres P moist sg f adj then adv come.out 3pl pres I during December sg m month sg m

7 (VZh)       [What do you cut meat with?]

8 (b) [0:30]      Yesterday I took [some] meat and sliced the meat. We cook with meat but [now]

yesterday adv take 1sg aor P meat sg n slice 1sg aor I meat sg n cook 1pl pres I meat sg n but

9 (b) [0:36]      there aren’t these old-time knives to cut it up at one stroke. We slice

pres neg exist old.time pl def med adj knife pl m
acc m 3sg clt
cut.off 2sg pres P at.once adv cut 1pl pres I

10 (b) [0:40]      and slice and cut it all up [only] with difficulty. We cook the meat, we put it

cut 1pl pres I with.difficulty adv
acc m 3sg clt
cut.off 1pl pres I cook 1pl pres I meat sg n def dist put 1pl pres P
acc m 3sg clt

11 (b) [0:44]      in a cauldron and it boils. When we sat down [to eat], don’t ask how we ate!

cauldron sg f def dist boil.up 3sg pres P
when inter.rel
sit 1pl impf P sg neg hort ask inf I how interr eat 1pl impf I

12 (VZh)       [What did you plant?]

13 (b) [0:50]      We would plant rye and wheat and barley and corn.

nom 1pl sow 1pl impf I
rye sg m
wheat sg f
barley sg m
corn sg f

14 (b) [0:55]      We reaped all of it with sickles, it was really hard [work].

reap 1pl impf I
acc n 3sg clt
everything sg n adj with
sickle pl m but
3sg impf cop
very adv hard adv

15 (b) [1:00]      We planted beans. And lentils, but they didn’t make it. The birds ate it all,

sow 1pl impf I beans sg m lentils sg f but
become 3sg impf I
eat.up 3pl impf I
acc n 3sg clt
bird pl n

16 (b) [1:06]      the deer ate it all. There weren’t any lentils left for us.

eat.up 3pl impf I
acc n 3sg clt
doe pl f
leave 3sg impf I
acc 1pl lentils sg f

17 (VZh)       [Did you use a rope to carry things back home?]

18 (b) [1:10]      [I'll say] “I want you to bring me a rope” because we’d tie up wood, beans, whatever.

want 1sg pres I
dat 1sg clt
bring 2sg pres P rope sg n because
acc refl clt
tie.up 1pl pres I wood pl n beans sg m
interr clt
3sg pres aux clt
sg n L.part cop

19 (b) [1:18]      We go gather oak-apples so we’ll have fire-starter and kindling for the winter.

oak.apple pl f go 1pl pres I
gather 1pl pres I
have 1pl pres I winter adv fire.starter sg f
kindling sg f

20 (b) [1:23]      But we carry it on our backs. Whoever doesn’t have a donkey – on his back.

acc n 3sg clt
carry 1pl pres I
back pl m def prox who sg m rel med adj not.have 3sg pres I donkey sg n
back sg m def dist

21 (b) [1:27]      Whoever has a donkey harnesses up the carriage and goes off to load it up.

who sg m rel med adj have 3sg pres I donkey sg n harness 3sg pres P carriage sg f def dist go 3sg pres P
dat refl clt
dat refl clt
load 3sg pres P

22 (b) [1:32]      Whoever doesn’t have a donkey carries it tied to his back. And we bring

who sg m rel med adj not.have 3sg pres I donkey sg n carry 3sg pres I
back sg m def dist
rope sg n
dat refl clt
bring 1pl pres I

23 (b) [1:37]      everything tied up – oak-apples, kindling – we carry it all.

everything sg n adj
rope sg n
oak.apple pl f
kindling sg f everything sg n adj
dat refl clt
carry 1pl pres I

         When it would rain a bit, we’d go out up there and look for mushrooms.

         We’d eat them, we’d fry them. We called them “surneli” (parasol mushrooms).

         [Were there other mushrooms?]

         There are other mushrooms which people ate. We called them “blood redcaps”.

         They come up in November or December, when the ground is well watered

         so it gets moist. They come up then, in the month of December.

         [What do you cut meat with?]

         Yesterday I took [some] meat and sliced the meat. We cook with meat but [now]

         there aren’t these old-time knives to cut it up at one stroke. We slice

         and slice and cut it all up [only] with difficulty. We cook the meat, we put it

         in a cauldron and it boils. When we sat down [to eat], don’t ask how we ate!

         [What did you plant?]

         We would plant rye and wheat and barley and corn.

         We reaped all of it with sickles, it was really hard [work].

         We planted beans. And lentils, but they didn’t make it. The birds ate it all,

         the deer ate it all. There weren’t any lentils left for us.

         [Did you use a rope to carry things back home?]

         [I'll say] “I want you to bring me a rope” because we’d tie up wood, beans, whatever.

         We go gather oak-apples so we’ll have fire-starter and kindling for the winter.

         But we carry it on our backs. Whoever doesn’t have a donkey – on his back.

         Whoever has a donkey harnesses up the carriage and goes off to load it up.

         Whoever doesn’t have a donkey carries it tied to his back. And we bring

         everything tied up – oak-apples, kindling – we carry it all.

1 (b) [0:02]       куга̀ту лѐтнеш’е до̂̀ш ма̀лку нѝйе излѝзәhме нәго̀ре тә нәhо̀дәhме го̂̀би

2 (b) [0:07]       йәд’е̂̀hме ги по̂̀рж’еhме ги сə зве̂̀hме ги сәрн’ѐли

3 (VZh)       [Други гъби имаше ли?]

4 (b) [0:13]       ѝмә и дру̀ги гъ̀би кутрѝту сә йәд’е̂̀hә нѝй ги ка̀звәhме ч’ервену̀ш’ки

5 (b) [0:19]       т’е̂̀ излѝзәт фәф нуѐмври декѐмври куга̀ту сә нәпуйѝ hу̀бәву зем’о̂̀нә

6 (b) [0:24]       дә ста̀не вла̀жнә туга̀ф излѝзәт пр’ез декѐмри м’е̂̀сец

7 (VZh)       [С какво режеш месото?]

8 (b) [0:30]       фч’ѐрә зо̂̀h м’о̂̀су р’е̂̀зәh м’о̂̀су го̀твиме м’о̂̀су әмә

9 (b) [0:36]       н’ѐмә нәпр’е̂̀шнит’е но̀ж’уве дә гу удр’е̂̀ж’еш изведно̂̀ш’ р’е̂̀ж’еме

10 (b) [0:40]       р’е̂̀ж’еме зо̀рле гу удр’е̂̀звәме го̀твим’е м’о̂̀суну ту̀риме гу

11 (b) [0:44]       ф hа̀ркумәнә вәзвәрѝ га̀ со̂̀днеhме немо̀й пѝтә ка̀к әд’е̂̀hме

12 (VZh)       [Какво сеехте?]

13 (b) [0:50]       н’ѐ сейе̂̀hме и ро̂̀ш’ и пш’енѝцә и йеч’емѝк и ца̀ревицә

14 (b) [0:55]       ж’о̂̀неhме гу сѝч’ку сәс со̂̀рпуве әлә бе йе̂̀це тру̀дну

15 (b) [1:00]       сейе̂̀hме фәсу̀л’ л’о̂̀штә әлә не ста̀нвәш’е по̀ изѝдәhә гу пѝл’етә

16 (b) [1:06]       изѝдәhә гу со̂̀рни не уста̀нвәш’е зә на̀с л’о̂̀штә

17 (VZh)       [С въже ли го носехте в къщи?]

18 (b) [1:10]       ѝштәм дә ми дунес’ѐш во̂̀ж’е ўо̀ти сә зәд’е̂̀вәме дәрва̀ фәсу̀л’ л’ е било̀

19 (b) [1:18]       ш’ѝкәл’ки hо̀дим тә збѝрәм’е зә дә ѝмәме зимо̂̀скә по̀твәткә и бо̀рнә

20 (b) [1:23]       әлә гу но̀сим’е нә гәрбув’ѐсе ко̀йту н’ѐмә мәга̀ре нә гәрбо̂̀н

21 (b) [1:27]       ко̀йту ѝмә мәга̀ре фпр’о̂̀гне кәру̀чкәнә ѝде си тә си нәтва̀ри

22 (b) [1:32]       ко̀йту н’ѐмә мәга̀р’е но̀си нә гәрбо̂̀н нә во̂̀ж’е и си дунѝсәме

23 (b) [1:37]       сѝч’ку нә во̂̀ж’е и ш’ѝкәл’ки и бо̀рнә сѝчку си но̀сим

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut