Mogilica 4

1 (VZh)       [Can] you tell us, then, about the major holidays here, [for instance] "Kurban-Bayram"?

dat 1pl clt
tell 2sg pres P then adv
big pl def adj holiday pl m
Kurban.Bayram sg m here adv

2 (a) [0:05]      [To know] when Kurban-Bayram was coming they count ten days.

Kurban.Bayram sg m def when inter.rel come 3sg impf P count.up 3pl pres P ten def dist day ct m count.up 3pl pres P

3 (a) [0:10]      Then they feed up the sacrificial animals and slaughter them when Bayram comes.

sacrificial.animal m feed 3pl pres I then dist adv
acc 3pl clt
slaughter 3pl pres P when inter.rel come 3sg pres P Bayram sg m
acc 3pl clt
slaughter 3pl pres P

4 (a) [0:15]      [For] those who have no animal to slaughter, others [who] slaughter to honor the dead

rel dist not.have 3pl pres I one sg m adj
[ ... ]
head.of.cattle m when inter.rel slaughter 3pl pres P rel dist
dead m P.part P

5 (a) [0:19]      take [it on themselves] to distribute [the meat] out in parcels

slaughter 3pl pres P take 3pl pres P
acc m 3sg clt
distribute 3pl pres P
portion m sg
portion pl m

6 (a) [0:22]      to those who [weren't able] to make sacrifice. They distribute it out to everyone

rel dist
3pl pres aux clt
neg slaughter pl L.part I sacrificial.animal m
acc m 3sg clt
give.out 3pl pres P
all indcl

7 (a) [0:25]      and someone will take it on themselves to cook it, and invite neighbors,

someone sg m
take 3sg pres P
acc m 3sg clt
cook 3sg pres P
invite 3sg pres P neighbor pl m

8 (a) [0:29]      prepare the table [for everyone] to eat the Bayram sacrifice. And when Ramazan comes,

acc refl clt
prepare 3sg pres I table sg f
acc m 3sg clt
eat.up 3pl pres P Bayram sg m def
Ramadan m def when rel dist

9 (a) [0:35]      they give out breadstuffs and bake everything so they’ll believe, that Allah gives good,

again adv then dist adv give 3pl pres I loaf pl m bake 3pl pres I everything sg n adj
believe 3pl pres I
give 3sg pres I Allah m sg nice sg n adj

10 (a) [0:41]      that everyone may live and rejoice, and –

3pl pres cop clt
alive pl adj
acc refl clt
rejoice 3pl pres I
acc refl clt

11 (a) [0:43]      They cook ashur then [too], pulling together things from everywhere to cook it up, sg m pres exist boil 3pl pres I then dist adv everything sg n adj
all.kind sg n adj gather 3pl pres P
boil 3pl pres I

12 (a) [0:47]      and give it out. Those who are pious [that is], those who believe.

acc m 3sg clt
give.out 3pl pres I who sg m rel dist
3pl pres cop clt
pious adj who sg m rel dist believe 3pl pres I

13 (a) [0:52]      [As for] the one who doesn't believe –

who sg m rel dist adj
believe 3sg pres I

14 (VZh)       Hm.


15 (a) [0:54]      well – [laughter]


16 (VZh)       And Ramadan [lasts] a month, right?

one sg m adj month sg m
3sg pres cop clt
this sg n adj Ramadan m def sg interr

17 (a) [0:57]      Ramadan [lasts] a month. And it's between –

one sg m adj month sg m Ramadan m sg
Ramadan m sg between

18 (a) [1:00]      well, first there’s Ramazan; [it goes] “Razhip, Shaban, Ramazan” (Arabic names)

most previous Ramadan m sg Rajab m sg Sha'aban m sg Ramadan m sg

19 (VZh)       Mmhm.


20 (a) [1:04]      At that time you fast and do ritual prayers; everyone prays for the world –

then dist adv
acc refl clt
fast 3sg pres I bow 3sg pres I
acc refl clt
everything sg n adj
acc refl clt
pray 3sg pres I
world sg f

21 (a) [1:09]      You pray [both] for this world and for the other, for well-being,

this sg m prox adj world m
other m def med adj
acc refl clt
pray 2sg pres I
good sg n adj

22 (a) [1:13]      so that you’ll [be able] to live well in this world, and in the other world –

world sg f def prox
live 2sg pres I well adv
other m def med adj world m

23 (a) [1:16]      so it'll be good for you there too. Because it's in a single earth that

again adv
dat 2sg clt
3sg pres cop clt
good sg n adj because there adv fut
one f sg adj earth sg f

24 (a) [1:18]      they'll bury us. From all four sides, there'll be only soil.

acc 1pl clt
bury 3pl pres P
four def med side pl f soil sg f fut
3sg pres cop clt

25 (a) [1:22]      Only Allah knows how it will be. What we pray for is that Allah should good to all.

what sg n interr fut
3sg pres cop clt
Allah m sg know 3sg pres I all dat pl Allah m sg
give 3sg pres I good sg n adj
acc refl clt
pray 1pl pres I

26 (a) [1:27]      We – I tell you, I’m – [people] call on me to tell [them]

nom 1pl nom 1sg
dat 2sg clt
say 1sg pres I nom 1sg 1sg pres cop clt nom 3pl
acc 1sg clt
acc 1sg call 3pl pres I
tell 1sg pres I

27 (a) [1:30]      how pious I am. I don’t believe [in that way of doing things].

thus prox adv interr 1sg pres cop clt pious sg f adj much adv nom 1sg
believe 1sg pres I

28 (a) [1:32]      I – I make my children and grandchildren believe,

nom 1sg
acc 3pl clt
drive 1sg pres I
child pl n def med
grandchild pl n def med
believe 3pl pres I

29 (a) [1:35]      not to do anything bad, to respect people,

do 3pl pres I bad sg n adj
respect 3pl pres I people pl def med

30 (a) [1:39]      and not to commit sin in any way.

nothing sg n
sin 3pl pres I

31 (VZh)       Mm.


32 (RA)       Yes, that's right. That's how it should be.

thus adv
3sg pres cop clt
thus adv must pres imprs

33 (a) [1:43]      That there be no errors. That if you see someone [in need], you help him,

pres neg exist error pl f
see 2sg pres P
acc m 3sg
one sg m adj person sg m
dat m 3sg clt
help 2sg pres P

34 (a) [1:46]      not [just] to go off and later make fun of him

go 2sg pres P after adv
dat m 3sg clt
acc refl clt
ridicule 2sg pres I

35 (a) [1:49]      when you could have helped him, and felt pity for him

can pres imprs
dat m 3sg clt
help 2sg pres P
acc m 3sg clt
pity 2sg pres P

36 (a) [1:52]      [If you do all this], then Allah will give you well-being.

acc 2sg Allah m sg
give 3sg pres P good sg n adj

         [Can] you tell us, then, about the major holidays here, [for instance] "Kurban-Bayram"?

         [To know] when Kurban-Bayram was coming they count ten days.

         Then they feed up the sacrificial animals and slaughter them when Bayram comes.

         [For] those who have no animal to slaughter, others [who] slaughter to honor the dead

         take [it on themselves] to distribute [the meat] out in parcels

         to those who [weren't able] to make sacrifice. They distribute it out to everyone

         and someone will take it on themselves to cook it, and invite neighbors,

         prepare the table [for everyone] to eat the Bayram sacrifice. And when Ramazan comes,

         they give out breadstuffs and bake everything so they’ll believe, that Allah gives good,

         that everyone may live and rejoice, and –

         They cook ashur then [too], pulling together things from everywhere to cook it up,

         and give it out. Those who are pious [that is], those who believe.

         [As for] the one who doesn't believe –


         well – [laughter]

         And Ramadan [lasts] a month, right?

         Ramadan [lasts] a month. And it's between –

         well, first there’s Ramazan; [it goes] “Razhip, Shaban, Ramazan” (Arabic names)


         At that time you fast and do ritual prayers; everyone prays for the world –

         You pray [both] for this world and for the other, for well-being,

         so that you’ll [be able] to live well in this world, and in the other world –

         so it'll be good for you there too. Because it's in a single earth that

         they'll bury us. From all four sides, there'll be only soil.

         Only Allah knows how it will be. What we pray for is that Allah should good to all.

         We – I tell you, I’m – [people] call on me to tell [them]

         how pious I am. I don’t believe [in that way of doing things].

         I – I make my children and grandchildren believe,

         not to do anything bad, to respect people,

         and not to commit sin in any way.


         Yes, that's right. That's how it should be.

         That there be no errors. That if you see someone [in need], you help him,

         not [just] to go off and later make fun of him

         when you could have helped him, and felt pity for him

         [If you do all this], then Allah will give you well-being.

1 (VZh)       ами да ни раска̀жеш тога̀ва за голѐмите пра̀зници за курба̀н.байра̀м ту̀кə

2 (a) [0:05]       зə курба̀н.бəйре̂̀мə əга̀ до̀йдеше зəбруйо̂̀т дѐсетнə дѐне зəбруйо̂̀т

3 (a) [0:10]       курбəнло̂̀ци hра̀нет енəга̀ ги зəко̀л’ет əга̀ до̀йде бəйре̂̀м ги зəко̀л’əт

4 (a) [0:15]       кəдѐну н’ѐмəт зə əдѝн ин бра̀ф агə зəко̀л’əт дѐну зə умре̂̀ти

5 (a) [0:19]       зəко̀лет з’о̂̀мəт тə гу рəспрудəдо̂̀т нə де̂̀л нə де̂̀луве

6 (a) [0:22]       и дѐну сə нѐ кла̀ли курбəнло̂̀ци гу рəздəдо̂̀т нə врѝт

7 (a) [0:25]       па̀к не̂̀куй па̀к з’о̂̀ме тə гу свəрѝ и ру̀кне комш’ии нə

8 (a) [0:29]       сə гудѝ суфро̂̀ дə гу изедо̂̀т бəйре̂̀мə и рəмəза̀нə га̀ну

9 (a) [0:35]       па̀к енəга̀ да̀вəт кула̀ци пеко̂̀т сѝч’ку дə ве̂̀рвəт дə да̀вə ал:а̀h hу̀бəву

10 (a) [0:41]       дə сə жѝви дə сə ра̀двəт дə сə

11 (a) [0:43]       а̀ш’ур’ ѝмə вəро̂̀т енəга̀ сѝч’ку ут се̂̀кəкву зберо̂̀т тə вəр’о̂̀т

12 (a) [0:47]       и гу рəзда̀вəт кутрѝну сə нəбо̀жни кутрѝну ве̂̀рвəт

13 (a) [0:52]       ко̀йну не ве̂̀рвə

14 (VZh)       hм.

15 (a) [0:54]       а [смях]

16 (VZh)       и то едѝн мѐсец е това̀ рамаза̀на налѝ

17 (a) [0:57]       əдѝн ме̂̀сəц рəмəза̀н и и рəмəза̀н между мə

18 (a) [1:00]       на̀й прѐш’ рəмəза̀н рəж’ѝп ш’əба̀н рəмəза̀н

19 (VZh)       əмhəм

20 (a) [1:04]       енəга̀ сə гуве̂̀ кла̀н’ə се сѝч’ку сə мо̀ли зə зə д’ӥн’о̂̀

21 (a) [1:09]       зə зə со̀ə све̂̀т и зə дру̀гийəт сə мо̀лиж’ зə hу̀бəву

22 (a) [1:13]       оти нə д’ӥн’о̂̀сə дə живе̂̀еш’ hу̀бəу и нə дру̀гийəт све̂̀т

23 (a) [1:16]       па̀г дə т’и̭ е hу̀бəву о̀ти та̀м ш’е ф една̀ зѐм’ə

24 (a) [1:18]       ш’е ни зəро̀в’əт ут ч’ѐтирите стра̀ни пръ̀с ш’е е

25 (a) [1:22]       кəкво̀ ш’е е əл:а̀h зна̀е врѝтем əла̀h дə да̀вə hу̀бəву сə мо̀лиме

26 (a) [1:27]       н’ѐ йе̂̀ ти ка̀звəм йе̂̀ сəм тѝй мə мѐне ру̀кəт дə по̀ска̀звəм

27 (a) [1:30]       ес’ѐ елѐ сəм нəбо̀жнə мло̀гу йе̂̀ не ве̂̀рвəм

28 (a) [1:32]       йе̂̀ ѐ ги ка̀рəм и деч’ѝш’тəтə и вну̀ч’етəтə дə ве̂̀рвəт

29 (a) [1:35]       дə нə пра̀əт ло̀ш’у дə дə увəж’е̂̀вəт hо̀рəтə

30 (a) [1:39]       дə нѝш’ту дə не згреш’е̂̀вəт

31 (VZh)       əм

32 (RA)       да така̀ е така̀ тр’а̀бва

33 (a) [1:43]       дə нѐмə гре̂̀ш’ки дə вѝдиш’ гə əдѝн чуве̂̀к дə му пумо̀гнеш’

34 (a) [1:46]       нѐ дə ѝеш’ по̀сле дə му се присмѝвəш’ и

35 (a) [1:49]       дə мо̀ж’е дə му пумо̀гнеш’ дə гу сəж’əлѝш’

36 (a) [1:52]       тə тə и тѐбе əл:а̀h дə дəдѐ hу̀бəву

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut