Kozičino 2

1 (b) [0:00]      After we shear the sheep, we take and scald the wool. We card it,

when conj shear 1pl pres P sheep pl f def take 1pl pres P
acc f 3sg clt
scald 1pl pres P wool sg f def card 1pl pres P
acc f 3sg clt

2 (b) [0:07]      comb it, spin it. We spin it for tassels in three layers,

drag 1pl pres I
acc f 3sg clt
spin 1pl pres I
acc f 3sg clt
tassel sg m def
acc m 3sg clt
spin 1pl pres I
three layer ct m

3 (b) [0:12]      and we twist them together. [Then] we go gather [some] leaves

acc m 3sg clt
twist 1pl pres I
go 1pl pres I
gather 1pl pres I leaf sg m

4 (b) [0:16]      and we dye them [with] “sacha” (ferrous sulfate). We dye it [until] it turns black.

green.stone sg f
acc m 3sg clt
dye 1pl pres I dye 1pl pres I
acc m 3sg clt
become 3sg pres I black sg m adj

5 (b) [0:23]      After we dye it, we wind it onto the yarn-crutch.

when conj acc m 3sg clt dye 1pl pres P
acc m 3sg clt
wind 1pl pres I
yarn-crutch sg n def

6 (b) [0:26]      You have to wind it many times. Winding, unwinding,

disc many adv time pl m must pres I imprs
acc refl clt
wind 3sg pres I wind vbl.n I unwind vbl.n I

7 (b) [0:30]      until it gets smooth, till it gets nice and straight. We put it on the loom.

until become 3sg pres P simple sg n adj
become 3sg pres P nice sg n adj straight sg n adj put 1pl pres P
acc m 3sg clt
loom sg m def

8 (b) [0:35]      But before we put it on the loom, you have to spin again,

disc until
acc m 3sg clt
put 1pl pres P
loom sg m def and must pres I imprs
acc m 3sg clt
spin 2sg pres P

9 (b) [0:38]      so as to warp it, thread [the heddles], and roll it up.

acc m 3sg clt
warp 2sg pres P
insert 2sg pres I
wind 2sg pres I

10 (b) [0:41]      We put it on the loom and begin to weave. We weave,

put 1pl pres P
acc m 3sg clt
loom sg m def begin 1pl pres I
weave 1pl pres I weave 1pl pres I

11 (b) [0:44]      [alternating] warp and woof, and line up the tassels. When we’ve lined it up,

woof sg m def
warp sg f def
arrange 1pl pres I tassel sg m def and when conj acc m 3sg clt arrange 1pl pres P

12 (b) [0:48]      the “kicha” (special tunic) must be worn inside out so [each] tassel will get smoothed out.

tunic sg f def must pres I imprs
acc refl clt
wear 3sg pres I inside.out adv
acc refl clt
simplify 3sg pres P tassel sg m def

13 (b) [0:53]      When [each] tassel gets all smooth, then we wash it – we wash it well,

when conj acc refl clt simplify 3sg pres P tassel sg m def then adv
acc f 3sg clt
wash 1pl pres P wash 1pl pres P
acc f 3sg clt

14 (b) [0:58]      and after we wash it, [we put it away] and then take it out for the round dance.

when conj acc f 3sg clt wash 1pl pres P
then adv already adv
acc f 3sg clt
lift 1pl pres I
round.dance sg n def

15 (b) [1:02]      We [wear] it [when] we go dancing, when we go to fulling bees or to work bees.

acc f 3sg go 1pl pres I
round.dance sg n def go 1pl pres I
fulling.bee pl f go 1pl pres I
work.bee pl f

         After we shear the sheep, we take and scald the wool. We card it,

         comb it, spin it. We spin it for tassels in three layers,

         and we twist them together. [Then] we go gather [some] leaves

         and we dye them [with] “sacha” (ferrous sulfate). We dye it [until] it turns black.

         After we dye it, we wind it onto the yarn-crutch.

         You have to wind it many times. Winding, unwinding,

         until it gets smooth, till it gets nice and straight. We put it on the loom.

         But before we put it on the loom, you have to spin again,

         so as to warp it, thread [the heddles], and roll it up.

         We put it on the loom and begin to weave. We weave,

         [alternating] warp and woof, and line up the tassels. When we’ve lined it up,

         the “kicha” (special tunic) must be worn inside out so [each] tassel will get smoothed out.

         When [each] tassel gets all smooth, then we wash it – we wash it well,

         and after we wash it, [we put it away] and then take it out for the round dance.

         We [wear] it [when] we go dancing, when we go to fulling bees or to work bees.

1 (b) [0:00]       әм кәт устрижѐм уфцѐт’е̏ з’ѐмем ə упа̊̀рим ве̂̀лнәтә исч’ѐпкәме йә

2 (b) [0:07]       ўла̊̀чим йә прид’ѐм йә ките̂̀ гу прид’ѐм ф трѝ ка̊̀тә

3 (b) [0:12]       че гу пр’асу̀квәми че хо̀дим дә бир’ѐм лѝс

4 (b) [0:16]       и са̊̀чкә чи гу буйәд’ѝсвәме ва̊̀пцўәме гу дә ста̀вә ч’è̟рән

5 (b) [0:23]       кәд гу̀ ва̊̀пцәме чи гу нәўѝəме нә мутувѝл’читу̭

6 (b) [0:26]       то̀ мно̀гу пе̂̀ти тр’а̀бвә дә сә нәўѝвә нәўѝвәне рәзвѝвәне

7 (b) [0:30]       дукәт ста̀не про̀сту дә ста̀не hу̀бәўу пра̀ўу сло̀жим гу нә стане̂̀

8 (b) [0:35]       то̀ дукъ̀т гу сло̀жим нә стәне̂̀ пәк тр’а̀бә дә гу нәпред’ѐш

9 (b) [0:38]       чи дә гу уснув’ѐш дә наўо̀д’әш дә нәвѝвәш

10 (b) [0:41]       ту̀рим гу нә стане̂̀ по̀чўәме дә тәч’ѐм тәч’ѐ̀м

11 (b) [0:44]       ве̂̀тәкə и усно̀вәтә и редѝм ките̂̀ чи̭ кәт гу̀ нәред’ѝм

12 (b) [0:48]       кѝчәтә тр’а̀вә дә сә но̀си нәўо̀пәки дә сә упруст’ѝ ките̂̀

13 (b) [0:53]       кәт се̂̀ упруст’ѝ ките̂̀ туга̊̀с йә испир’ѐм упир’ѐм йә

14 (b) [0:58]       и кәт йе̂̀ упир’ѐм туга̊̀с вѐчи йә дѝгәм’ә зә hуро̀ту

15 (b) [1:02]       сәс нѐйә hо̀д’им нә hуро̀ту hо̀д’им нә вәл’е̂̀нки hо̀д’им нә сәд’е̂̀нки

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut