Jonathan Barnes
Bangejci 2
1 (JB) Earlier on in – in the old days, did you get together
before adv | in | disc | one sg n adj | time sg n |
gather 2pl impf I | interr clt | acc refl clt |
2 (JB) with people from the other village?
with | people pl def | from | other sg n def adj | village sg n |
3 (a) [0:09] From the other village?
from | other sg n def | village sg n |
4 (JB) Yes, did you see them often?
yes | [...] | hes | see 2pl impf I | interr clt | acc refl clt | with | acc 3pl | often adv |
5 (a) [0:13] When we were bachelors and maidens, young people would come from other villages.
disc | young pl m adj | people pl | when conj | 1pl impf cop | girl f pl | bachelor pl m | from | other pl adj | village pl n | come 3pl impf I |
6 (JB) Is that right?
disc | thus adv | interr clt |
7 (a) [0:19] Yes. They’d come from other villages to our village.
yes | from | other pl adj | village pl n | come 3pl impf I | in | our sg n def adj | village sg n |
8 (a) [0:23] But the bachelors from our village would go to the other village
but | from | our sg n def adj | village sg n | disc | bachelor pl m | go 3pl pres I | and | around | other sg n adj | village sg n |
9 (a) [0:28] where they’d taken a liking to some girl there.
where rel | dat 3pl clt | like 3sg pres I | girl sg n | some sg n adj |
10 (JB) Yes.
yes |
11 (a) [0:30] And they pile up together and go there.
jostle 3pl pres I | go 3pl pres I | and | there adv |
12 (JB) The bachelors would go there and …
bachelor pl m def | go 3pl pres I | there adv | and |
13 (a) [0:34] Yes.
yes |
14 (JB) … the girls would stay here.
girl pl f def | stay 3pl pres I | here adv |
15 (a) [0:35] And the girls would stay [home] in the village.
and | girl pl f def | dat refl clt | stay 3pl pres I | in | village sg n def |
16 (JB) Ah.
disc |
17 (a) [0:38] And they go, while [others] come from other villages here to our village.
and | go 3pl pres I | how rel | come 3pl pres I | from | other pl adj | village pl n | here adv | in | our sg n def adj | village sg n |
18 (a) [0:45] And so. That’s how it was. We had [what] was called work bees,
and | thus adv | thus adv | become 3sg impf I | thing sg f def | acc refl clt | say 3sg pres I | make 1pl impf I | work.bee sg f |
19 (JB) Hm.
20 (a) [0:54] some now call them spinning bees [laughter].
nom 3pl | some pl adj | dat n 3sg clt | call 3pl pres I | spinning.bee sg f |
21 (TD) Well when you had these work bees, um, did you do spinning then?
disc | when conj | 2pl pres aux clt | make pl m L.part I | work.bee pl f | hes | spin 2pl impf I | interr clt | there adv |
22 (TD) And that’s why you called them spinning bees, right?
for.that adv | 2pl pres aux clt | dat n 3sg clt | call pl L.part I | spinning.bee sg f | thus adv | interr clt |
23 (a) [1:15] Well, either you’ll knit some socks, or whatever [you have] to knit,
disc | and | either | fut | knit 3sg pres I | some pl m adj | sock pl m | interr clt | what sg n rel | fut | knit 3sg pres I |
24 (a) [1:21] and whoever has some spinning to do will spin, and whoever has
and | who sg m rel | dat refl clt | have 3sg pres I | comp | spin 3sg pres I | fut | spin 3sg pres I | who sg m rel | dat refl clt | have 3sg pres I |
25 (a) [1:24] something to knit – each one brings whatever work she has to do.
comp | knit 3sg pres I | who sg m interr | what sg n rel | dat refl clt | have 3sg pres I | work sg f | carry 3sg pres I | dat refl clt | acc f 3sg clt | and | thus adv |
26 (TD) And after you finish the spinning what do you call this thing
after adv | when conj | hes | spin 2pl pres P | this sg n adj | how interr | acc refl clt | say 3sg pres I | this sg n adj |
27 (TD) that has the wool on it?
rel | hes | wool sg f def | 3sg pres cop clt | to | acc n 3sg |
28 (a) [1:36] A distaff. Distaff.
distaff sg f | distaff sg f |
29 (TD) [1.39] And this thing here?
disc | and | this sg n adj | here adv |
30 (a) [1:40] A spindle.
spindle sg n |
31 (TD) And what do you put down underneath the spindle?
disc | disc | to | spindle sg n def | what sg n interr | acc refl clt | put 3sg pres I | below |
32 (a) [1:45] No.
no |
33 (TD) People didn’t put anything [down there]?
neg | acc refl clt | interr clt | put 3sg impf I |
34 (a) [1:46] There are – there are some who put something to make it heavier. A little disk.
pres exist | pres exist | some pl adj | hes | put 3pl pres I | comp | comp | neg | 3sg pres cop clt | light sg n adj | hes | small.disc sg n |
35 (TD) Uh huh.
36 (a) [1:53] But I’ve never put anything [there]. I spin [the wool] just
disc | nom 1sg | neg | 1sg pres aux clt | put sg f L.part I | nom 1sg | dat refl clt | acc n 3sg clt | spin 1sg pres I | thus adv |
37 (a) [1:56] the way my mother taught me [laughter].
how rel | acc 1sg clt | 3sg pres aux clt | teach sg f L.part I | mother sg f | dat 1sg clt |
38 (TD) And later, after the yarn is all spun, what do you do with it?
disc | after adv | when conj | acc refl clt | spin 3sg pres P | yarn sg f def | what sg n interr | acc f 3sg clt | do 2pl pres I |
39 (a) [2:04] Well then we wind it up on a yarn-crutch about the size
disc | and | yarn sg f def | acc f 3sg clt | wind 1pl pres I | to | one sg n adj | yarn.crutch sg f | ost | such sg n adj |
40 (a) [2:08] of this cane-like thing with a fork – here below, with a fork,
ost | thus adv | like | cane sg n adj | with | fork sg f | here adv | from.below adv | with | fork sg f |
41 (a) [2:12] and here [where] it’s flat, where you put the yarn,
here adv | pres exist | flat sg n adj | thus adv | rel | acc refl clt | put 3sg pres I | yarn sg f def |
42 (a) [2:16] and then we аrrange them in skeins. After that we soak it in water
and | thus adv | acc f 3sg clt | make 1pl pres I | to | skein pl f | after adv | acc f 3sg clt | soak 1pl pres I | in | water sg f |
43 (a) [2:25] so the yarn will stretch out. And when the yarn is stretched out, and dry,
comp | acc refl clt | stretch 3sg pres P | this sg f adj | yarn sg f | when conj | acc refl clt | stretch 3sg pres P | yarn sg f def | and | when conj | dry 3sg pres P |
44 (a) [2:31] we take it from the yarn-crutch and put it out in the sun 1pl pres I | acc f 3sg clt | from | hes | yarn.crutch sg n def | and | acc f 3sg clt | throw 1pl pres I | to | sun sg n |
45 (a) [2:37] to finish drying, because it can’t get dry on the yarn-crutch.
comp | dat refl clt |
dry.out 3sg pres P | because conj | nom sg n | neg | can 3sg pres | comp | dry 3sg pres P | to | yarn.crutch sg n def |
46 (TD) After that? When it dries?
disc | after adv | when conj | dry 3sg pres P |
47 (a) [2:47] Well, when it dries, you’ll maybe knit a blouse,
disc | when conj | dry 3sg pres P | and | fut | dat refl clt | knit 2sg pres I | blouse sg f | interr clt |
48 (a) [2:50] or you’ll knit socks, or you’ll knit whatever you want,
fut | dat refl clt | knit 2sg pres I | sock pl m | interr clt | fut | dat refl clt | knit 2sg pres I | what sg n rel | want 2sg pres I |
49 (a) [2:54] [whatever] you can use. [For instance] you’ll knit your husband a sweater.
fut | dat refl clt | use 2sg pres P | for | husband sg m def | fut | knit 2sg pres P | sweater sg f |
50 (JB) And how do you knit? What did you do?
and | how interr | acc refl clt | knit 3sg pres I | what sg n interr | do 2pl impf I |
51 (a) [3:04] How do you knit?! Well, with needles, man!
disc | and | how interr | acc refl clt | knit 3sg pres I | with | needle pl f | adrs |
52 (JB) What?
53 (a) [3:07] With needles – big thick needles [that are] both long and wide. And for socks,
with | needle pl f | thick pl adj | big pl adj | needle pl f | long pl f adj | as | and | wide sg n adj | disc | and | sock sg m def |
54 (a) [3:11] with five needles, five little needles. The comrade will know this, she will.
with | five | needle pl f | five | small.needle pl f | nom f 3sg | fut | acc 3pl clt | know 3sg pres I | comrade sg f def |
55 (a) [3:15] Needles for socks, don’t you know what that is?
needle pl f | for | sock sg m | neg | know 2sg pres I | interr clt | what sg n interr | 3sg pres cop clt |
56 (TD) Unh-uh.
57 (JB) No.
no |
58 (a) [3:22] [laughter]. Well, you knit [them] with needles.
and | thus adv | with | needle pl f | acc refl clt | knit 3sg pres I |
59 (TD) Um, do you weave here?
disc | here adv | weave 2pl pres I | interr clt |
60 (a) [3:30] What?
disc |
61 (TD) Do you weave here?
weave 2pl pres I | interr clt | here adv |
62 (a) [3:32] Well, we used to weave. We used to weave. But now it’s already gone.
disc | weave pl m L.part I | 1pl pres aux clt | weave pl m L.part I | 1pl pres aux clt | but | now adv | already adv | acc refl clt | extinguish 3sg aor P |
63 (a) [3:37] The looms are [all] gone. There’s no loom, nothing. Nothing [for] us to weave.
loom pl m def | acc refl clt | extinguish 3pl aor P | and | pres neg exist | loom sg m | pres neg exist | nothing sg n | pres neg exist | what sg n interr | comp | weave 1pl pres I |
64 (a) [3:44] Everything’s ready-made. You go to the store and buy yourself [everything].
everything sg n def adj | ready sg n adj | go sg imv P | to | store sg m def | and | fut | dat refl clt | buy 2sg pres P |
65 (TD) [laughter]
66 (a) [3:50] There’s nothing to weave, nothing to spin.
pres neg exist | what sg n interr | comp | weave 1pl pres I | pres neg exist | what sg n interr | comp | spin 1pl pres I |
67 (TD) Nothing.
pres neg exist |
68 (a) [3:55] Nothing.
pres neg exist |
69 (TD) But in the old days you used to weave?
disc | one sg n adj | time sg n | weave 2pl impf I |
70 (a) [3:58] Ah, in the old days we would weave rugs
disc | one sg n adj | time sg n | dat refl clt | weave 1pl impf I | nom 1pl | and | rug pl f |
71 (a) [4:03] We would weave rugs to spread out for covers, yes.
rug pl f def | for | spread vbl.n I | dat refl clt | weave 1pl impf I |
72 (TD) Um hm.
bkch |
73 (a) [4:18] What time do you have?
how.many interr | dat 2sg clt | become 3sg aor P | hour sg m def |
74 (TD) Five o’clock.
five | hour sg m def |
75 (a) [4:21] What?
disc |
76 (TD) Ten to five.
five | hour sg m def | without | ten |
77 (a) [4:23] Five.
five |
78 (TD) Why do you need the time?
for | what sg n interr | dat 2sg clt | 3sg pres cop clt | hour sg m def |
79 (a) [4:25] I just asked because I saw [your watch]
disc | ask 1sg pres I | because conj | acc m 3sg clt | see 1sg aor P |
80 (TD) Ah.
disc |