Georgi Kolev
Huhla 6
1 (b) [0:00] Do you know how much work I have? Look [unintelligible]
know 2sg pres I | interr clt | how.much interr | work f sg | have 1sg pres I | look sg imv I |
2 (k) [0:02] Well, there will be work after us...
adrs | work f sg | fut | pres exist | and | after | acc 1pl |
3 (a) [0:04] My pickles
my sg f def adj | pickles sg f |
4 (k) [0:04] … but we won’t be here.
but | acc 1pl | fut neg | comp | acc 1pl clt | pres exist |
5 (a) [0:05] Half of my pickles are salted and the other half not, but I don’t have [any] salt.
my sg f def adj | pickles sg f | half sg f def | have 3sg pres I | salt sg f | half sg f def | not.have 3sg pres I | disc | not.have 1sg pres I | salt sg f |
6 (k) [0:06] Wait a minute, let’s get some chairs.
wait imv I | comp | take 1pl pres P | chair pl m |
7 (b) [0:09] I have – I have [some things that need] washing.
have 1sg pres I | have 1sg pres I | and | for | wash vbl.n I |
8 (k) [0:11] It would be nicer inside, in the mayor’s office, to go on talking.
disc | 3sg impf cop | more | nice sg n adj | inside adv | in | sg n def | comp | do.such 3sg pres I |
9 (b) [0:14] Yes, there’s washing to do.
disc | for | wash vbl.n I | pres exist | and |
10 (GK) What do you have for washing?
what sg n interr | have 2sg pres I | for | wash vbl.n I |
11 (b) [0:19] Well, quite a bit!
disc | much adv | adrs |
12 (GK) Ah, all the clothes that were here?
disc | rel | here adv | 3pl impf cop | all pl def adj | clothes pl f |
13 (b) [0:23] Oh, they took theirs!
disc | nom 3pl | dat refl clt | acc 3pl clt | take 3pl aor P | their pl def adj |
14 (GK) Ah, I was wondering whether they’d left you all these work clothes.
disc | say 1sg aor P | comp | neg | 3pl pres aux clt | dat 2sg clt | leave pl L.part P | this pl adj | clothes pl f def | work pl def adj |
15 (b) [0:27] Oh, those tobacco work [clothes]! They’re just sitting [there]. When they come
disc | disc | yes | work pl def adj | adrs | tobacco pl def adj | dat refl clt | stay 3pl pres I | disc | when rel | come 3pl pres P |
16 (b) [0:32] they’ll wash them. They’ll come on Sunday and they’ll wash them.
fut | dat refl clt | acc 3pl clt | wash 3pl pres P | Sunday sg f | fut | come 3pl pres P | fut | dat refl clt | acc 3pl clt | wash 3pl pres P |
17 (GK) I thought that you – that you’d be washing them for them.
nom 1sg | say 1sg aor P | that conj | nom 2sg | fut | that conj | nom 2sg | fut | dat 3pl clt | acc 3pl clt | wash 2sg pres I |
18 (b) [0:37] Well maybe I will wash them. Today – if not, then tomorrow.
disc | can pres imprs | comp | acc 3pl clt | wash 1sg pres I | and | nom 1sg | today adv | if conj | no | tomorrow adv |
19 (GK) By - do you do all the washing by hand?
by | everything sg n adj | by | hand sg f | interr clt | wash 2sg pres I |
20 (b) [0:44] No, there’s a washing machine.
disc | washing.machine sg f | pres exist |
21 (GK) Ah.
disc |
22 (b) [0:46] Nobody goes to that trouble now.
adrs | now adv | nobody sg m | neg | acc refl clt | torture 3sg pres I |
23 (a) [0:50] Well now it’s fine, fine. But you still don’t like it. You still curse
now adv | fine adv | fine adv | again adv | neg | like 2pl pres I | again adv | curse 2pl pres I |
24 (a) [0:52] the UDF [Union of Democratic Forces]. May it be cursed now, cursed!
U.D.F. sg n | be.cursed sg n L.part P | now adv | be.cursed sg n L.part I |
25 (a) [0:53] So what’s not to like? Why’s it’s gotten so expensive? Huh?
disc | what sg n interr | neg | like 3sg pres I | conj | hes | why interr | so.much | high.prices sg f | become 3sg aor P | disc |
26 (a) [0:58] Because we have [all these] debts to pay.
because | have 1pl pres I | debt pl m | for | pay vbl.n I |
27 (b) [1:00] Because we have debts! Well, who created all these debts?
why interr | have 1pl pres I | debt pl m | which sg m interr | acc 3pl clt | make 3sg aor P | this pl med adj | debt pl m |
28 (a) [1:02] We did, you and I!
nom 1pl | make 1pl aor P | nom 2sg | and | nom 1sg |
29 (b) [1:03] Hah, we created the debts!
disc | make 1pl aor P | debt pl m |
30 (a) [1:04] [Yes, we.] You and I created them.
nom 2sg | and | nom 1sg | acc 3pl clt | make 1pl aor P |
31 (a) [1:06] Bah!
excl |
32 (a) [1:07] We created [them]. Who created them? Weren’t we …
nom 1pl | make 1pl aor P | which sg m interr | acc 3pl clt | make 3sg aor P | interr | 1pl impf cop |
33 (b) [unintelligible]
34 (a) [1:08] … part of this Bulgaria? We did it.
in | this sg f med adj | Bulgaria sg f place | nom 1pl | make 1pl aor P |
35 (b) [1:09] Uh huh
disc |
36 (a) [1:09] There’s no [other] fault to find.
pres neg exist | for | find vbl.n I | shortcoming sg f |
37 (b) [1:11] Huh
disc |
38 (a) [1:12] We did it. Back then it was –
nom 1pl | make 1pl aor P | then adv | 3sg impf cop |
39 (b) [1:13] So why are their salaries so high, huh?
why interr | their pl def adj | salary pl f | so.much pl med adj | big pl adj | disc |
40 (a) [1:14] It used to be really inexpensive …
then adv | 3sg impf cop | cheap sg n adj | cheap sg n adj |
41 (b) [1:15] Huh?
disc |
42 (a) [1:15] … and [now] it’ll get expensive!
disc | fut | come 3sg pres P | expensive sg n adj |
43 (b) [1:17] What it’ll “get” is that we’ll go there ourselves …
fut | come 3sg pres P | expensive sg m adj | sandal sg m def | fut | come 3sg pres P | ost | there adv | nom 1pl | comp | go 1pl pres P |
44 (a) [1:19] – because they take care of their own, …
because | nom 3pl | 3pl pres cop clt | from | acc 3pl |
45 (b) [1:20] … and do a sit-in! [unintelligible]
comp | sit 1pl pres P |
46 (a) [1:20] … they work their asses off for their own, but we can’t. [We’re part of] those who
for | their pl def adj | acc refl clt | bump 3pl pres I | disc | nom 1pl | neg | can 1pl pres I | this pl med adj | rel |
47 (a) [1:23] who have no say! We have no say. And why?
neg | can 3pl pres I | comp | tell 3pl pres P | nom 1pl | neg | can 1pl pres I | comp | say 1pl pres P | for | this sg n med adj |
48 (b) [1:25] Hm.
49 (a) [1:25] Because they spent so much money on [their] schooling.
for | this sg n med adj | this pl med adj | that.much med adv | money pl.t | 3pl pres aux clt | give pl L.part P | to | learn vbl.n I |
50 (b) [1:27] [It doesn’t matter] that they spent so much on education –
when inter.rel | 3pl pres aux clt | give pl L.part I | to | learn vbl.n I | when inter.rel |
51 (a) [1:28] It [the old system] is not going to come back.
fut neg | acc refl clt | return 3sg pres P | now adv |
52 (b) [1:30] So what they paid for schooling! I’ll go there, and [I’ll go]
when inter.rel | 3pl pres aux clt | give pl L.part I | to | learn vbl.n I | fut | go 1sg pres P | there adv |
53 (b) [1:31] bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam [just like]
bam | bam | bam | bam | bam | bam | bam | bam | bam | bam | bam |
54 (b) [1:34] they go bam! there in Sofia. [Now] if I could go there
rattle 3pl pres I | there adv | on | in | Sofia sg f place | nom 1sg | comp | can 1sg pres I | comp | go 1sg pres P | there adv |
55 (a) [unintelligible]
56 (b) [1:38] for [some] banging. I’d take a stick and beat their behinds!
for | rattle vbl.n I | fut | take 1sg pres P | one sg f adj | cudgel sg f | fut | acc 3pl clt | pound 1sg pres P | and | behind adv |
57 (a) [1:40] You’re [like] Zlata, [she says she’ll] take a gun and –
nom 2sg | comp | Zlata sg f name | call 3sg pres I | comp | take 1sg pres P | one sg f adj | rifle sg f | disc |
58 (a) [1:43] and who? Who will she shoot?
disc | who acc sg m interr | who acc sg m interr | fut | pop 3sg pres I |
59 (b) [unintelligible]
60 (a) [1:45] Our sons!
our pl def adj | son pl m |
61 (b) [1:46] What do you mean, our sons?!
disc | adrs | why interr | our pl def adj | son pl m | adrs |
62 (a) [1:48] Because there’ll be a war if Zlata [and her ilk] took up a gun to shoot
disc | because | Zlata sg f name | comp | become 3sg pres P | war sg f | comp | take 3sg pres I | one sg f adj | rifle sg f | comp | pop sg f L.part I |
63 (b) [1:51] Hah, sure. There’ll be a war! …
disc | disc | war sg f def | comp | become 3sg pres P |
64 (a) [1:52] Who will you shoot there?
who acc sg m interr | fut | pound 2pl pres P | there adv |
65 (b) [1:53] … with our sons.
our pl def adj | son pl m |
66 (a) [1:53] Won’t you be shooting at our sons …
interr | our pl def adj | son pl m | fut | pound 2pl pres P |
67 (b) [1:54] So, that “apartment,” …
disc | apartment sg m def |
68 (a) [1:54] … if it comes to war?
when inter.rel | become 3sg pres P | war sg f |
69 (b) [1:55] … that Parliament there.
disc | there adv | parliament sg m |
70 (a) [1:55] Ah, “apartment”!
disc | apartment sg m def |
71 (a) [1:55] [unintelligible]
72 (a) [1:56] [But] these mothers and fathers –
this pl med adj | mother pl f | and | father sg m |
73 (b) [1:56] [unintelligible]
74 (a) [1:58] haven’t they fed their children?
interr | 3pl pres aux clt | feed pl L.part P | child pl n def |
75 (b) [1:59] Let them [in Parliament be the ones to] get shot!
there adv | acc 3pl | comp | pound 3pl pres P |
76 (a) [2:00] But why?
disc | disc | why interr | thus adv |
77 (b) [2:01] Them with their salaries of ten, twelve thousand each.
why interr | why interr | this pl med adj | their pl def adj | salary pl f | 3pl pres cop clt | by | ten | twelve | thousand pl f |
78 (a) [2:06] [But] these – while they were …
this pl med adj | now adv | acc 3pl | while | and | [...] |
79 (b) [2:07] Huh.
disc |
80 (a) [2:07] Do you know how much money they spent to get educated?
while | 3pl pres aux clt | learn pl L.part P | know 2sg pres I | interr clt | how.much interr | money pl.t | 3pl pres cop clt | give pl L.part P |
81 (b) [2:10] Ah, so much for your money.
such sg f med adj | dat 2sg clt | 3sg pres cop clt | coin sg f def |
82 (a) [2:11] And it’s already been spent.
disc | disc | already adv | 3pl pres aux clt | give pl L.part P |
83 (k) [2:12] You two are on the verge of turning this into a war yourselves!
already adv | comp | neg | acc n 3sg clt | turn 2pl aor P | in | war sg f | adrs |
84 (a) [2:14] Uh huh
disc |
85 (a) [laughter]
86 (GK) [laughter]
87 (k) [2:16] Almost, anyway.
almost adv | interr |
88 (a) [2:16] Uh huh.
89 (b) [2:16] I’m [with] the U.D.F.!
disc | nom 1sg | 1sg pres cop clt | U.D.F. sg n def |
90 (a) [2:17] It’s like she would take up a gun to do this and that.
nom f 3sg | when conj | take sg f L.part.impf P | rifle sg f | comp | do.thus 3sg pres I |
91 (a) [2:19] And she says she doesn’t like the U.D.F., yet she’s always plowing private land.
nom f 3sg | neg | like sg f L.part I | U.D.F. sg n def | but | only adv | plow 3sg pres I | to | private sg n adj |
92 (a) [2:22] If someone doesn’t like the U.D.F., there’s no way they should be plowing private land.
who sg m rel | neg | like 3sg pres I | U.D.F. sg n | at.all adv | neg | need pres I imprs | comp | plow 3sg pres I | to | private sg n adj |
93 (b) [2:26] Why should – So what am I going to eat? Huh?
why interr | fut | hes | what sg n interr | fut | eat 1sg pres I | adrs |
94 (a) [2:27] Well, you’re U.D.F.,
disc | disc | nom 2sg | 2sg pres cop clt | U.D.F. sg n |
95 (b) [2:28] Ah, so –
disc |
96 (a) [2:29] since you’re plowing private land. You shouldn’t be plowing private land.
why interr | plow 2sg pres I | to | private sg n adj | fut neg | comp | plow 2sg pres I | to | private sg n adj |
97 (b) [2:30] How am I going to eat?
what sg n interr | fut | eat 1sg pres I |
98 (a) [2:31] Well, we have to eat and plow both.
disc | disc | need pres I imprs | comp | eat 1pl pres I | comp | plow 1pl pres I |
99 (b) [2:33] Where’s the tractor, hey? Do we have a tractor, I ask you?
where interr | 3sg pres cop clt | tractor sg m def | adrs | have 1pl pres I | interr clt | tractor sg m | adrs |
100 (a) [2:35] So find one [then]! As if we had one!
disc | hort | find 2pl pres P | disc | as.if adv | nom 1pl | 1pl pres aux clt | have pl L.part I |
101 (b) [2:36] Then why –
what sg n interr |
why interr |
102 (a) [2:38] Well …
disc |
103 (b) [2:39] So, you – you – you don’t need anything.
what sg n interr | because | acc 2sg | acc 2sg | acc 2sg | nothing sg n | neg | be.necessary 3sg pres I |
104 (b) [2:41] But I still need it.
but | dat 1sg | be.necessary 3sg pres I | still adv |
105 (k) [2:42] And why do you [in particular] need it?
why interr | to | acc 2sg | dat 2sg clt | be.necessary 3sg pres I |
106 (b) [2:43] Because I still have grandparents, my child,
because | have 1sg pres I | still adv | grandfather sg m | and | grandmother sg f | son voc sg m |
107 (b) [2:45] and children still hanging around [unintelligible]
and | child pl n def | acc refl clt | revolve 3pl pres I | around | acc 1pl |
108 (k) [2:47] And grandchildren, and great-grandchildren
and | grandson pl m def | and | greatgrandson pl m def |
109 (a) [2:48] … and they’re working.
and | this pl med adj | work 3pl pres I |