Georgi Kolev
1 (a) [0:02] So now, wait [and] I’ll tell you about weddings.
now adv | wait sg imv I | for | wedding sg f def | comp | dat 2pl clt | say 1sg pres P |
2 (a) [0:05] After that I’ll tell you about the church, and then that’s all.
after | this sg n adj | fut | dat 2pl clt | say 1sg pres P | for | church sg f def | and | end sg m |
3 (GK) Uh huh.
4 (a) [0:08] Those things you were wondering about, a bit concerning the church.
disc | which sg n rel adj | acc refl clt | wonder 2pl pres I | little adv | for | church sg f def |
5 (GK) How do they do a wedding ceremony without the church?
how interr | make 3pl pres I | marriage sg f | without | church sg f |
6 (a) [0:16] No, let’s put that up, it doesn’t fit inside.
no | fut | hang 1pl pres P | here adv | neg | enter 3sg pres I | now adv | in |
7 (GK) Yes, O.K. And then?
yes | fine adv | after adv |
8 (a) [0:25] In the wedding …
yes | in | wedding sg f def |
9 (GK) Yes?
yes |
10 (a) [0:26] … as I was explaining to you, that’s separate. In actuality now they go –
how rel | dat 2pl clt | explain 1sg pres I | nom sg n | 3sg pres cop clt | separately adv | concretely adv | go 3pl pres P | now adv |
11 (a) [0:34] and our people were especially insistent on this – they rent horses.
particularity sg f | our pl def adj | insist 3pl impf I | here adv | take 3pl pres P | under | rental sg m | horse pl m |
12 (GK) Aha.
bkch |
13 (a) [0:39] And the horses – how shall I say it in a word? They’re tasseled.
horse pl m def | acc 3pl clt | how interr | comp | dat 2sg clt | say 1sg pres P | with | one f adj | word sg f | tassel pl m |
14 (a) [0:45] Here, [you know] what a tassel is?
but |
tassel sg m | what sg n interr | 3sg pres cop clt |
15 (GK) Yes, yes.
yes | yes |
16 (a) [0:48] And they tie on them whatever you want.
tie 3pl pres I | dat 3pl clt | what sg n interr | interr clt | neg | want 2sg pres |
17 (GK) On the horses’ heads.
on | head pl f def | on | horse pl m def |
18 (a) [0:50] Right. And they take gifts and set out. A whole column. Whoever wishes
disc | gift pl m | and | acc 3pl clt | take 3pl pres P | and | 3pl pres I | now adv | column sg f | entire sg f adj | who sg m rel | want 3sg pres I |
19 (a) [1:01] goes to the ceremony. They wed them in Tryavna, because the church is there.
go 3sg pres I | to | marriage sg f def | marry 3pl pres I | acc 3pl clt | in | Tryavna sg f place | because | there adv | church sg f def |
20 (a) [1:07] And around 2:00 or 1:00 they are supposed to return.
and | toward | two m | toward | one sg m adj | hour sg m def | must pres imprs | comp | acc refl clt | return 3pl pres P |
21 (a) [1:13] There's people there with them during the time of the church ceremony,
during | this sg n adj | time sg n | when conj | acc 3pl clt | marry 3pl pres P | people pl | dat refl clt | pres exist | there adv | with | acc 3pl |
22 (a) [1:20] and they send somebody, we here call him a rebel, up there
go 3pl pres P | and | send 3pl pres I | some sg m adj | ost | here adv | rebel sg m | dat m 3sg clt | say 1pl pres I | ost | there adv |
23 (a) [1:28] in the forest to shoot [a gun] to announce that they’re coming,
disc | thus adv | forest sg f def | how rel | and | shoot 3pl pres I | comp | announce 3pl pres P | that conj | come 3sg pres I | here adv |
24 (a) [1:36] that the wedding [procession] is on its way.
that conj | fut | dat refl clt | come 3sg pres I | wedding sg f def | already adv |
25 (GK) How do you call those who shoot, who go on ahead of the wedding procession?
how interr | dat 3pl clt | say 3pl impf I | to | this pl adj | rel | shoot 3pl pres I | rel | go.ahead 3pl pres I | wedding sg f def |
26 (a) [1:40] Well, it –
disc | disc |
27 (GK) Do you remember?
remember 2sg pres I | interr clt |
28 (a) [1:42] I’m not able to tell you.
neg | can 1sg pres I | dat 2sg clt | say inf P |
29 (GK) Did they maybe call them “prèvarnitsi”? [ritual announcers]
announcer pl m | comp | dat 3pl clt | call 3pl impf I |
30 (a) [1:45] What?
how interr |
31 (GK) “Prèvarnitsi”, or “prevàrnitsi” – who race ahead to announce (“isprevarvat”).
announcer pl m | or | announcer pl m | who pl rel adj | outrun 3pl pres I | before adv |
32 (a) [1:49] They're called horsemen. Some call them “busiltsi" (basil-bearers), I don’t know why.
horseman pl m | dat 3pl clt | call 3pl pres I | basil.bearer pl m | dat 3pl clt | call 3pl pres I | some pl adj | neg | know 1sg pres I | why interr |
33 (a) [1:55] [Maybe] because that’s a [person’s] name, and now – now what’s left,
because | pres exist | one sg n adj | name sg n | and | here adv | and | now adv | and | now adv | 3sg pres aux clt | remain sg n L.part P |
34 (a) [1:59] what remains, is the “busiltsi”. [It’s] like a nickname.
heir sg m | basil.bearer pl m def | as | nickname sg m |
35 (GK) Uh huh.
bkch |
36 (a) [2:02] This is where the name is from, because the father of that person
nom sg n | from.there adv | carry 3sg pres I | name sg n def | dat refl clt | because | [...] | father sg m | dat m 3sg clt | of | this sg m adj |
37 (a) [2:08] was supposedly such a horseman.
sg m L.part cop | such sg m adj | horseman sg m |
38 (GK) Uh huh.
bkch |
39 (a) [2:09] Ah, yes! They called them horsemen! Because it requires more energetic people ...
excl | horseman pl m | yes | 3pl pres aux clt | dat 3pl clt | call pl L.part I | correct adv | because | require pres imprs | more | energetic pl adj | people pl |
40 (GK) Yes, yes.
yes | yes |
41 (a) [2:15] … of course. Well, it's a minor job. So they announce [the news] –
and | naturally adv | disc | and | nom sg n | small sg f adj | work sg f | adrs | and | communicate 3pl pres I |
42 (a) [2:21] – I don’t know them – and after they announce [it], they hurry.
and | neg | acc 3pl clt | know 1sg pres I | and | after | this sg n adj | communicate 3pl pres I | hurry 3pl pres I |
43 (a) [2:27] When it's time to have the church ceremony, already early in the morning
when conj | go 3sg pres P | comp | acc refl clt | marry 3sg pres I | still adv | from | morning sg f def | early adv |
44 (a) [2:31] they’re looking for cut boards, boards ( = to be table tops), and chairs,
seek 3pl pres I | acc refl clt | slice pl P.part P | board pl f | board pl f | and | chair pl m |
45 (GK) Uh huh.
bkch |
46 (a) [2:36] and if it's a nice day they make up the tables [out] on the threshing floor.
and | acc refl clt | pitch 3pl pres I | nice sg m adj | day sg m | when conj | 3sg pres cop clt | to | threshing.floor sg m def |
47 (GK) Uh huh.
bkch |
48 (a) [2:41] and a festive table is created. I don’t know
and | acc refl clt | form 3sg pres I | festive.table sg f | nom 1sg | neg | know 1sg pres I |
49 (a) [2:44] whether it was like this everywhere in Bulgaria – you see, this I don’t know.
in | Bulgaria sg f place | thus adv | interr clt | 3sg pres aux clt | sg n L.part cop | everywhere adv | see sg imv P | this sg n adj | neg | know 1sg pres I |
50 (a) [2:48] The whole village gathers together for eating and drinking.
gather 3sg pres I | acc refl clt | entire sg n def | village sg n | for | food sg n | and | for | drink vbl.n I |
51 (GK) Regardless of whether they are relatives or not?
pres neg exist | meaning sg n | relative pl f | interr clt | 3pl pres cop clt |
52 (a) [2:55] Regardless! As long as they cook [and bring] food.
pres neg exist | only adv | that conj | dat refl clt | cook 3pl pres I |
53 (GK) Each cooks himself?
each sg m adj | dat refl clt | cook 3sg pres I | alone sg m adj |
54 (a) [2:58] Each cooks, and brings [something]. Mostly they cook foods without liquid
each sg m adj | dat refl clt | cook 3sg pres I | bring 3sg pres I | hes | cook 3pl pres I | mostly adv | in | dry sg n adj | condition sg n |
55 (a) [3:05] so that they can be transported [more easily]. And [let me] tell [you]:
for | comp | can pres imprs | acc refl clt | carry inf I | comp | say 1sg pres P |
56 (a) [3:07] there’s a beautiful threshing floor [dating] from the Turkish occupation,
from.there adv | pres exist | one sg m adj | nice sg m adj | from | Turkish n sg adj | slavery sg n | threshing.floor sg m |
57 (GK) Uh huh.
bkch |
58 (a) [3:12] the second threshing floor from the Turkish tithing period.
second sg m def adj | threshing.floor sg m | from | tithing sg m def | from | from | Turk m def pl | rel | 3sg pres cop clt | disc |
59 (a) [3:17] It was the most appropriate [spot], and some even rent it
nom m 3sg | 3sg impf cop | most | appropriate sg m adj | even adv | some sg m adj | acc m 3sg clt | [ ... ] | take 3pl pres P | acc m 3sg clt |
60 (a) [3:21] for a wedding, and [even then] they can’t fill the whole area.
by | wedding sg f | neg | can 3pl pres I | comp | acc refl clt | install 3pl pres P |
61 (GK) They don’t do it in the yards of houses,
neg | acc n 3sg clt | do 3pl pres I | in | yard pl m def | in | house f def |
62 (GK) so as to have the wedding at home?
in | house f def | comp | be 3sg pres P | wedding sg f def |
63 (a) [3:29] You can in a house that’s appropriate. Our [family] – I – there are ten of us
which sg f rel adj | house sg f | fit 3sg pres I | can pres imprs | our sg n def adj | nom 1sg | nom 1pl | 1pl pres cop clt | ten | people pl |
64 (GK) Mm.
65 (a) [3:37] and I am the youngest. Ah, we were poor. The [whole thing] was horrible.
nom 1sg | 1sg pres cop clt | most | little sg m adj | excl | nom 1pl | 1pl pres cop clt | poor pl adj | nom f 3sg | 3sg impf cop | horror sg m |
66 (a) [3:42] Rich people came, business people came, my father was ashamed,
come pl L.part P | rich pl adj | people pl | come pl L.part P | businessman pl m | father sg m | dat 1sg clt | acc refl clt | feel.shame 3sg pres I |
67 (a) [3:47] and you see what the house is like. Well, it is what it is.
and | see 2sg pres I | house sg f def | how interr | 3sg pres cop clt | how rel | and | comp | 3sg pres cop clt |