Gorna Krušica 2

1 (c) [0:00]      Kids today, these kids – let us tell [about our times].

now adv child pl n def this pl adj child pl n hort
dat 2sg clt
tell 1pl pres P

2 (c) [0:00]      I started making bread when I was twelve years old. [That was] the old days.

twelve year f pl
1sg pres aux clt
begin sg f L.part P bread sg m
knead 1sg pres I one sg n adj time sg n

3 (c) [0:05]      Not like now when they bring us [ready-made] bread. We made our own, home-made.

3sg pres cop clt
now adv
dat 1pl clt
bring 3pl pres I bread sg m knead 1pl impf I
dat refl clt
domestic sg m adj

4 (c) [0:09]      We have a little stool, and a wooden kneading trough; it stayed there the whole time.

have 1pl pres I one sg n adj stool sg n kneading.trough pl.t
dat refl clt
have 1pl pres I such pl adj wooden pl adj there adv
dat refl clt
all adv stand 3pl aor I

5 (RA)       Hm.


6 (c) [0:13]      I step up on the little stool and – you knead.

step 1sg pres P
stool sg n def
knead 2sg pres I

7 (RA)       And you knead.

knead 2sg pres I

8 (c) [0:18]      And you knead, right.

knead 2sg pres I yes

9 (RA)       And where do you bake it?

where interr
acc m 3sg clt
bake 2sg pres I

10 (c) [0:22]      Ah. We have the outdoor oven, over there. See, there is what we have.

such sg f adj oven sg f have 1pl pres I ost ost
now adv there adv have 1pl pres I disc

11 (RA)       Aha.


12 (c) [0:25]      Behind the carriage.

carriage sg f def

13 (RA)       Aha [yes].


14 (d) [0:27]      In the outdoor oven.

oven sg f def

15 (c) [0:28]      Over there, in the outdoor oven.

oven sg f there adv

16 (RA)       [Ah,] in that oven.

that sg f adj oven sg f

17 (c) [0:30]      Yes.


18 (RA)       Huh.


19 (c) [0:31]      I bake it there …

there adv
acc m 3sg clt
bake 1sg pres I

20 (RA)       Huh.


21 (c) [0:32]      take it out, and – my mother and father are reaping and plowing [out] there –

remove 1sg pres I
acc m 3sg clt
mother f sg
dat 1sg clt
father sg m
dat 1sg clt
reap 3pl pres I plow 3pl pres I there adv

22 (c) [0:35]      we have sheep, we have goats,

have 1pl pres I sheep pl f have 1pl pres I goat pl f

23 (RA)       Uh huh.


24 (c) [0:36]      we had oxen, we had a mare. So early in the morning – I have a string-tie bag

have pl impf I ox pl m have 1pl impf I mare sg f
early adv have 1sg pres I carry.sack sg f

25 (c) [0:40]      I [put] the bread [in it] and load it on my back, and carry it to them out in the fields.

shoulder 1sg pres P bread sg m def
dat 3pl clt
carry 1sg pres P there adv
field sg f def

26 (GK)       You bake at home, and you work too.

nom 2sg
at.home adv bake 2sg pres I nom 2sg
work 2sg pres I

27 (RA)       And they –

nom 3pl
thus adv

28 (c) [0:46]      Ah yes!


29 (d) [0:46]      Yes.


30 (RA)       and they also work.

nom 3pl work 3pl pres I

31 (c) [0:48]      Well, I bake but I also work all day with them

bake 1sg pres I
entire sg m adj day sg m
acc 3pl
work 1sg pres I

32 (c) [0:50]      after that. I don’t only bake. You don’t only sit at home!

later adv
only adv
bake 1sg pres I not only adv
sit 2sg pres I

33 (c) [0:54]      From the moment I started to walk, from when I was conscious of myself as a person,

when conj
1sg pres aux clt
walk sg f L.part P
how conj
acc refl clt
know 1sg pres I
that conj
constitute 1sg pres I person sg m

34 (RA) [0:58]      Hm.


35 (c)       I was always [working] for my father as a goatherdess and shepherdess.

father sg m
dat 1sg clt
all adv goatherdess sg f
shepherdess sg f

36 (c) [1:01]      You [need] to pasture the goats and sheep, and to watch the kids –

goat pl f
sheep pl f
pasture 2sg pres I
child pl n
keep 2sg pres I

37 (c) [1:03]      and then after that I was [expected] to have lots of kids?

later adv child pl n
interr clt
fut give.birth 1sg pres I many adv

38 (c) [1:06]      No way! Who dares have any more than two,

two n more adv which sg m interr dare 3sg pres P
give.birth 3sg pres P

39 (RA) [1:09]      Hm.


40 (c) [1:10]      once you’ve seen these hard times.

when conj
2sg pres aux clt
see sg m L.part P this pl adj misery pl f

         Kids today, these kids – let us tell [about our times].

         I started making bread when I was twelve years old. [That was] the old days.

         Not like now when they bring us [ready-made] bread. We made our own, home-made.

         We have a little stool, and a wooden kneading trough; it stayed there the whole time.


         I step up on the little stool and – you knead.

         And you knead.

         And you knead, right.

         And where do you bake it?

         Ah. We have the outdoor oven, over there. See, there is what we have.


         Behind the carriage.

         Aha [yes].

          In the outdoor oven.

         Over there, in the outdoor oven.

         [Ah,] in that oven.



         I bake it there …


         take it out, and – my mother and father are reaping and plowing [out] there –

         we have sheep, we have goats,

         Uh huh.

         we had oxen, we had a mare. So early in the morning – I have a string-tie bag

         I [put] the bread [in it] and load it on my back, and carry it to them out in the fields.

         You bake at home, and you work too.

         And they –

         Ah yes!


         and they also work.

         Well, I bake but I also work all day with them

         after that. I don’t only bake. You don’t only sit at home!

         From the moment I started to walk, from when I was conscious of myself as a person,


         I was always [working] for my father as a goatherdess and shepherdess.

         You [need] to pasture the goats and sheep, and to watch the kids –

         and then after that I was [expected] to have lots of kids?

         No way! Who dares have any more than two,


         once you’ve seen these hard times.

1 (c) [0:00]       сега̀ деца̀та тѝйа деца̀ нѐка ти кажѐме

2 (c) [0:00]       од двана̀есе годѝни сам почна̀ла хлѐб да мѐса едно̀ врѐме

3 (c) [0:05]       не ѐ кат сеа̀ да ни доно̀сат хлѐп месу̀ваhме си дома̀шен

4 (c) [0:09]       ѝмаме едно̀ сто̀лче но̀шви си ѝмаме таквѝйа дръ̀вени та̀м си сѐ стойа̀а

5 (RA)       həм

6 (c) [0:13]       ста̀па на сто̀лчето и мѐсиш

7 (RA)       и мѐсиш

8 (c) [0:18]       и мѐсиш да̀

9 (RA)       и кəдѐ го пѐчеш

10 (c) [0:22]       йа̀ таква̀а фу̀рна ѝмаме йа̀ле йа е ѐ са̀ та̀м ѝмаме йа̀

11 (RA)       аhа̀

12 (c) [0:25]       зат кару̀цата

13 (RA)       аhа̀

14 (d) [0:27]       въф фу̀рната

15 (c) [0:28]       въф фу̀рна та̀м

16 (RA)       вəф та̀зи фу̀рна

17 (c) [0:30]       да̀

18 (RA)       ъ

19 (c) [0:31]       та̀м го пѐча

20 (RA)       ъ

21 (c) [0:32]       ѝзвада̀м го па ма̀йка ми и башта̀ ми жнѝйат ора̀т та̀м

22 (c) [0:35]       ѝмаме о̀фце ѝмаме ко̀зи

23 (RA)       əhə

24 (c) [0:36]       ѝмаhме воло̀ве ѝмаhме кобѝлə па ѕа̀ран ѝмам цадѝлка

25 (c) [0:40]       за̀дена̀м лѐбо па им о̀днеса̀м та̀м на нѝвəтə

26 (GK)       тѝ дома̀ печѐш тѝ и рабо̀тиш

27 (RA)       тѐ така̀

28 (c) [0:46]       а̀а

29 (d) [0:46]       да̀

30 (RA)       и тѐ рабо̀т’ат

31 (c) [0:48]       а ами пѐча ами цѐл дѐн и сос нѝх и рабо̀та

32 (c) [0:50]       сѐтне не са̀мо да пѐча нѐ са̀мо да седѝш

33 (c) [0:54]       от кəт сам проодѝла от ка̀к се зна̀м че съшеству̀вам човѐк

34 (RA) [0:58]       hм

35 (c)       при башта̀ ми сѐ коза̀рка и офча̀рка

36 (c) [1:01]       ко̀зи и о̀фце да пасѐш и дѐца да ва̀рдиш

37 (c) [1:03]       та сѐтне дѐца ли к’е ра̀ждам мно̀го

38 (c) [1:06]       а̀мѝ од двѐ по̀вече ко̀й смѐе да ро̀ди

39 (RA) [1:09]       əм əм

40 (c) [1:10]       кат си видѐл тѝйа мизѐрии

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
Comments and questions may be addressed to bdlt@berkeley.edu.

Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (http://www.bulgariandialectology.org, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut