Arčar 2

1 (d) [0:00]      So then –

mean 3sg pres I

2 (KM)       Let me pour you some more /unintelligible/

give sg imv P
dat 2sg clt
pour 1sg pres P still adv

3 (e) [0:01]      No, no, thanks.

no no thanks

4 (d) [0:01]      We taught Europe – we taught them how to run vegetable gardens …

nom 1pl
1pl pres aux clt
teach pl L.part I teach pl L.part I
1pl pres aux clt
Europe sg f place
horticulture sg n

5 (KM)       Well, we taught [them], but –

teach pl L.part I
1pl pres aux clt

6 (a) [0:06]      And now we import from there.

now adv
there adv import 1pl pres I

7 (f) [0:07]      Thank you, doctor!

thank 1sg pres I
dat 2sg clt
doctor voc sg m

8 (d) [0:08]      [It was] to Italy …

Italy sg f place

9 (f) [0:09]      Health and life [to you]!

alive sg m adj
healthy sg m adj

10 (d) [0:10]      … that our first vegetable gardeners went in order to instruct them

however adv
3pl pres aux clt
go pl L.part P our pl def adj first pl def adj gardener pl m
1pl pres aux clt
acc 3pl clt
teach pl L.part I

11 (d) [0:12]      how to produce [vegetables] there

there adv
produce 3pl pres I

12 (a) [0:14]      And you know what? That’s where the first infestations came from! The French!

know 2sg pres I
interr clt
what sg n interr
there adv
3pl pres aux clt
bring pl L.part P illness pl f def first adv Frenchman pl m def

13 (KM)       All the best /unintelligible/ Bye!

everything sg n adj nice sg n adj bye

14 (a) [0:17]      Especially in the vineyards

especially adv vineyard pl n def

15 (e) [0:18]      Bye! Bye!

bye bye

16 (a) [0:18]      They were jealous [of us] and brought – brought infestations. The French.

3pl pres aux clt
envy pl L.part P
3pl pres aux clt
bring pl L.part P bring pl L.part P illness sg f Frenchman pl m def

17 (e) [0:22]      So goodbye then.

hort bye

18 (a) [0:22]      There was no sort of blight here [before], nothing at all.

here adv neg
3sg pres aux clt
L.part exist blight sg f neg
3sg pres aux clt
L.part exist nothing sg n

19 (KM)       Bye, thanks a lot.

bye thanks much adv

20 (a) [0:28]      There was no such blight here. They brought it. Not us.

blight sg f such sg n adj neg
3sg pres aux clt
L.part exist nom 3pl
3pl pres aux clt
acc n 3sg clt
bring pl L.part P nom 1pl
1pl pres aux clt

21 (a) [0:31]      It was all clean here, my man,

here adv
3sg pres aux clt
sg n L.part cop clean sg n adj
man sg m

22 (KM)       This –

this sg n adj

23 (a) [0:33]      and they envied [us that].

3pl pres aux clt
envy pl L.part P

24 (KM)       What?


25 (a) [0:35]      [saying] “Let’s us give you an infestation!” And now go buy from them?!

dat 2pl clt
bring 1pl pres P illness sg f
now adv buy sg imv I
acc 3pl

26 (a) [0:39]      Gosho had these fantastic Austrian potatoes

Gosho sg m name impf exist Austrian pl adj potato pl m
dat refl clt
fuck 3sg pres I mother sg f def

27 (KM)       But what did we /unintelligible/

what sg n interr
1pl pres aux clt

28 (a) [0:42]      They tasted good but I thought – there’s something’s fishy here, this can’t be.

tasty sg n adj
call 1sg pres I this sg n adj pres exist something sg n
can pres imprs
be 3sg pres P

29 (a) [0:45]      I’m familiar with our potatoes. They take longer to boil. Longer, you know?

nom 1sg know 1sg pres I our pl def adj potato pl m difficult adv
acc refl clt
cook 3sg pres P interr more difficult adv

30 (KM)       Yes, yes.

yes yes

31 (a) [0:49]      [They] take longer to fry. But these, [why] do they go so fast?

difficult adv
acc refl clt
fry 3sg pres P
this sg n adj
3sg pres cop clt
so.much adv fast adv

32 (KM)       They’re tender, man, tender.

tender sg n adj adrs tender sg n adj adrs

33 (a) [0:52]      But that can’t be. There’s some sort of magic here, you know?

can pres imprs
be 3sg pres P pres exist something sg n magic sg f

34 (KM)       Ah, it’s just GMO !

pres exist G.M .O. sg n

35 (a) [0:55]      Well, I told you [there was something there]!

this sg n adj
dat 2sg clt
say 1sg pres I

36 (KM)       Genetically modified.

modify sg n P.part I genetic adv

37 (a) [0:58]      Well, I tell you, something’s missing. It can’t be like that.

adrs call 1sg pres I something sg n pres neg exist
can pres imprs
be 3sg pres P thus adv

38 (a) [1:02]      What kind of potatoes are these? We used to have pink ones, harder to boil up

what.kind pl adj
3pl pres cop clt
this pl adj potato pl m nom 1pl have 1pl impf I one pl adj pink pl adj difficult adv
acc refl clt
boil 3pl impf I

39 (KM)       Yes.


40 (a) [1:06]      They weren’t so tasty, but they [tasted] like potatoes!

not.have 3pl I
this sg m adj taste sg m
potato sg m

41 (KM)       Yes, indeed.

yes adrs yes

42 (a) [1:08]      But these don’t.

nom n 3sg this sg n adj not.have 3sg pres I

         So then –

         Let me pour you some more /unintelligible/

         No, no, thanks.

         We taught Europe – we taught them how to run vegetable gardens …

         Well, we taught [them], but –

         And now we import from there.

         Thank you, doctor!

         [It was] to Italy …

         Health and life [to you]!

         … that our first vegetable gardeners went in order to instruct them

         how to produce [vegetables] there

         And you know what? That’s where the first infestations came from! The French!

         All the best /unintelligible/ Bye!

         Especially in the vineyards

         Bye! Bye!

         They were jealous [of us] and brought – brought infestations. The French.

         So goodbye then.

         There was no sort of blight here [before], nothing at all.

         Bye, thanks a lot.

         There was no such blight here. They brought it. Not us.

         It was all clean here, my man,

         This –

         and they envied [us that].


         [saying] “Let’s us give you an infestation!” And now go buy from them?!

         Gosho had these fantastic Austrian potatoes

         But what did we /unintelligible/

         They tasted good but I thought – there’s something’s fishy here, this can’t be.

         I’m familiar with our potatoes. They take longer to boil. Longer, you know?

         Yes, yes.

         [They] take longer to fry. But these, [why] do they go so fast?

         They’re tender, man, tender.

         But that can’t be. There’s some sort of magic here, you know?

         Ah, it’s just GMO !

         Well, I told you [there was something there]!

         Genetically modified.

         Well, I tell you, something’s missing. It can’t be like that.

         What kind of potatoes are these? We used to have pink ones, harder to boil up


         They weren’t so tasty, but they [tasted] like potatoes!

         Yes, indeed.

         But these don’t.

1 (d) [0:00]       зна̀чи

2 (KM)       да̀й да ти сѝпа о̀ште [неразбрано]

3 (e) [0:01]       нѐ нѐ мерсѝ

4 (d) [0:01]       нѝе сме учѝли учѝли сме евро̀па на градина̀рство

5 (KM)       е ами учѝли сме ама

6 (a) [0:06]       а съ̀га от та̀м вна̀саме̭

7 (f) [0:07]       благодаръ̀ ти до̀кторе

8 (d) [0:08]       у ита̀лийа

9 (f) [0:09]       жѝф и здра̀ф

10 (d) [0:10]       оба̀че са утишла̀ на̀ште пъ̀рвите градина̀ри сме ги учѝле

11 (d) [0:12]       е та̀м да пруизвѐждат

12 (a) [0:14]       и зна̀еш ли кво̀ от та̀м са донѐле бо̀лестите пр̥̀во францу̀зите

13 (KM)       сѝчко ху̀баво [неразбрано] ча̀о

14 (a) [0:17]       осо̀бено лозйа̀та̭

15 (e) [0:18]       ча̀о ча̀о

16 (a) [0:18]       са завидѐли и са донесѐле донѐсле бо̀лес францу̀зите̭

17 (e) [0:22]       а̀йде ча̀о

18 (a) [0:22]       ту̀ка нѐ е има̀ло мана̀ нѐ е има̀ло нѝшто

19 (KM)       ча̀о мерсѝ мно̀го

20 (a) [0:28]       маана̀ тако̀во нѐ е има̀ло онѝ са го донѐле нѝе не смѐ

21 (a) [0:31]       ту̀ка е било̀ чѝсто бе човѐк

22 (KM)       то̀а

23 (a) [0:33]       и са завидѐле

24 (KM)       à

25 (a) [0:35]       а̀йде ви донесѐме бо̀лес ѐ съгъ̀ купу̀вай од н’ѝ

26 (a) [0:39]       при го̀шо ѝмаше афстрѝйски кр̥то̀фи да си ѐбе ма̀мата

27 (KM)       ама кво̀ сме [неразбрано]

28 (a) [0:42]       а бе фку̀сно ама вѝкам това̀ ѝма нѐшто не мо̀е да бъ̀де

29 (a) [0:45]       йа̀ зна̀м на̀ши̭ти карто̀фи тру̀дно че се сва̀ри налѝ по̀ тру̀дно

30 (KM)       да̀ да̀

31 (a) [0:49]       тру̀дно че са опр̥̀жи а това̀ да е то̀лкова бр̥̀же

32 (KM)       крѐхко бѐ крѐхко бѐ

33 (a) [0:52]       а бе не мо̀е да бъ̀де ѝма нѐшто магѝйа бе

34 (KM)       ѝма гѐмѐо̀ бе

35 (a) [0:55]       е па това̀ ти ка̀звам

36 (KM)       модифицѝрано гѐнно

37 (a) [0:58]       а бѐ вѝкам нѐшто нѐма не мо̀е да бъ̀де така̀

38 (a) [1:02]       квѝ са тѝйа карто̀фи нѝйа ѝмашеме еднѝ ро̀зови тру̀дно се ва̀реха

39 (KM)       да̀

40 (a) [1:06]       нѐмат и то̀о фку̀с ама тѐ на карто̀ф

41 (KM)       да̀ бѐ да̀

42 (a) [1:08]       а оно̀ това̀ нѐма

Text copyright © 2011-2016 Ronelle Alexander and Vladimir Zhobov. Texts and other parts of the website may be copied only for non-commercial, research, or educational purposes, provided the source of the material is cited accordingly. Cited material may not include the entire website or substantial portions thereof.
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Recommended Model for Citations

Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)
Babjak 1: 13-15. In: Bulgarian Dialectology as Living Tradition [2016] (, visited on 1 March 2016)

Text | by Dr. Radut